Season 5: Episode 204

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Source: Wikipedia

"Yakumo's Sealed Ability"

"After getting tranquillized, Naruto has a dream of Kurenai threatening to seal Yakumo's genjutsu abilities. He then discovers that this is the reason why she left the team, but Kurenai refuses to disclose any more. As Kurenai goes to see Yakumo, several Kurama Clan members attack."


The episode highlighted Kurenai's abilities as a shinobi. Kurenai is a master of genjutsu in the sense that she can detect when she is trapped in a genjutsu in a matter of seconds. Moreover, she is a great user of the skill in the sense that she traps her enemy with her genjutsu. Her genjutsu usually involves trapping the enemy with large trees of bind as well as flower petals. Furthermore, when it comes to Yakumo's abilities, it is revealed that she possesses a dangerous genjutsu as I will mention in the analysis. It is a sunny day with a clear sky throughout the episode.

After getting tranquillized, Naruto has a dream of Kurenai threatening to seal Yakumo's genjutsu abilities. The dream took place in a dark hallway of the academy, and when Naruto opened a certain door, he saw Kurenai and Yakumo conversing. In that conversation, Kurenai threatened to seal Yakumo's genjutsu abilities because Yakumo was adamant about training to become a shinobi. If Yakumo continued to train, it would have probably put her health at risk and the leaf village in danger, so Kurenai wasn't being cruel to her. Instead, she was looking after her well-being; hence, she served as a mother figure to Yakumo. Thereafter, when Naruto heard about Kurenai's ultimatum, he barged in the door and asked why she was doing this. Unfortunately, the dream couldn't progress because Sakura woke Naruto, which revealed that he was in the hospital. Therefore, Naruto's dream served as an exposition where there was background information on what happened between Yakumo and Kurenai to better understand the storyline.

Moreover, since Naruto didn't remember getting tranquillized, Sakura told him he got caught red-handed breaking into a safe house in the mountains. In response, Naruto told Sakura about his dream, which felt real and compelled him to leave. Afterwards, when he used the window to leave, Sakura tried to warn him that he should get back to the hospital because the medicine hadn't worn off yet, but Naruto had already left to find Kurenai.

He then discovers that this is the reason why she left the team, but Kurenai refuses to disclose any more. When Naruto arrived at Kurenai's home, he knocked many times, but there was no response. After some time, Might Guy appeared and told him that Kurenai had already left. So, Naruto asked him where she went, and Might Guy said she went to visit a former student of hers who was in bad shape. At that moment, Naruto knew she was planning to see Yakumo, so he left and met Kurenai in the woods.

When Naruto met with Kurenai in the woods, he told her about the dream he had that felt real. However, Kurenai walks away and says that it's none of his business. As a result, tense music plays in the background when he blocks her way, demanding some answers if Yakumo has anything to do with her quitting squad; hence, a dialogue takes place:

Kurenai (looked away): What you experienced earlier wasn't just a realistic dream. I did use a sealing jutsu on her; I took away my own student's power.

Naruto (shocked): I don't get it; how could you do that?

Kurenai (sad): It all happened a little over a year ago. With my own hands, I crushed her dream of becoming a shinobi. Up until then, I've been giving her special one-on-one training to unlock her hidden genjutsu.

Naruto (shouts): You're kidding me?

Kurenai (sad): But I failed her; I can't be trusted with the lives of Squad 8 Ninjas.

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