Season 5: Episode 184

181 57 154

Source: Wikipedia

"Kiba's Long Day!"

"Naruto is assigned to watch Akamaru, Kiba Inuzuka's ninja-dog, who has recently been acting strangely after being infected by a special bacterium during a mission. This is confirmed when Akamaru begins to violently attack Konoha's inhabitants, and the ANBU take him into custody, being prepared to have Akamaru euthanized if they are unable to cure him. However, this is too much for Kiba, and he rescues Akamaru, attempting to cure him on his own. Naruto pursues Kiba, who refuses to believe that Naruto is attempting to help him. Finally, Kiba's sister arrives, and Naruto attempts to restrain a now giant-sized and hostile Akamaru to administer a potential cure developed by Konoha's medical team. However, the cure only has a 50% chance of working. Kiba succeeds in the task but is nearly killed in the process. It is later revealed that Akamaru tried his hardest to miss Kiba's vital points, something that Kiba thanks Akamaru for."


To start a new season, the episode wasn't too intense. The problem concerning Akahoshi was eventually solved, and this episode was mainly focused on the close relationship between Kiba and Akamaru.

Naruto is assigned to watch Akamaru, Kiba Inuzuka's ninja dog, who has recently been acting strangely after being infected by a special bacterium during a mission. When Naruto was at her office, Tsunade told him that while he and others were away on a mission, the leaf village was infiltrated by an enemy ninja. So, when Kiba and his team found the enemy and took care of him, Akamaru somehow got infected by the enemy's attack. What made it suspicious was that before the enemy could get captured, the intruder took his own life by swallowing up a poison capsule, perhaps to take the secret of the mission to his grave. Moreover, Tsunade said that their investigation revealed he was a shinobi from a distant village that specializes in a unique and uniquely unpleasant form of battle skill, which Tsunade calls "biological warfare." She went on to explain what she meant by biological warfare by saying, "They infect their enemies with a slow-acting pathogen that gradually takes over the host body. A terrible transformation takes place." Therefore, that is how Akamaru got infected by the special bacteria.

There were some signs and symptoms that Akamaru went through before his deadly transformation. First, when Shino and Hinata were training outside while Kiba was looking after him, something strange happened. When Kiba and Akamaru wanted to leave, Shino's insects were attacking Akamaru. When Kiba asks Shino to stop his insects, Shino struggles to stop them, but eventually, the insects let Akamaru go. The insects knew something amiss was going on with Akamaru. 

Second, when Kiba and Hana were conversing at home, Akamaru bit Naruto's bottom, even though he knew Naruto's scent. The funny thing is that before Naruto arrived at Kiba's place, Kiba and his sister, Hana, were discussing Akamaru's condition. Since Hana is a vet, she noted that Akamaru's condition was getting worse. Therefore, the signs and symptoms were already there before the issue escalated.

This is confirmed when Akamaru begins to violently attack Konoha's inhabitants, and the ANBU take him into custody, being prepared to have Akamaru euthanized if they are unable to cure him. After Akamaru experienced those symptoms, his condition got worse to the extent that he killed a shinobi. This was confirmed by Kiba at his place when he told Hana that the scent of blood was on Akamaru. Afterwards, the ANBU arrived at his home to take Akamaru into custody under the orders of the Hokage. So, there was nothing Kiba could do to stop them, and due to this, the ANBU locked Akamaru in a cage and took him away to a veterinary hospital. This situation frustrated Kiba.

The next day, Akamaru decided to go to the veterinary hospital to see Akamaru. Before he left, his sister Hana gave him a batch of untested vaccines to give to the vet. Afterwards, Kiba left, where he somehow headed to the Hokage's headquarters to eavesdrop on a conversation between Naruto and Tsunade. Kiba heard Tsunade say to Naruto that since Akamaru was the one who attacked the shinobi last night, the medical core was doing everything they could to find an antidote. If they don't, Akamaru will have to be put down or terminated. With the love and caring nature Kiba has for Akamaru, that's when he makes plans to rescue Akamaru at the veterinary hospital.

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