Season 5: Episode 207

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Source: Wikipedia

"The Supposed Sealed Ability"

"Naruto and the members of Team 8 head into Yakumo's house to find her with Kurenai, threatening to erase her former sensei from existence. It is revealed that the malicious entity known as the Idou dwelled within Yakumo's subconscious and was the reason why her abilities were sealed away. Yakumo ultimately overcomes the Idou and realizes that Kurenai cares about her. Kurenai then returns to an overjoyed Team 8."


In this episode, it served as a resolution because all the mysteries of the plot were unravelled. First, it showed how Yakumo's parents died. Second, it showed the reason why Yakumo's powers were sealed away. It was due to the monster inside of her, known as Idou. Last, it showed how Yakumo overcame her darkness by defeating the monster inside of her. Other details will be mentioned in the analysis.

The episode served as a continuation of the previous episode when Kiba got caught in the fire cast by Yakumo's genjutsu. Luckily, Naruto put out the fire by covering his jacket on Kiba's back, which was on the floor. This encounter just proved how powerful Yakumo's genjutsu was, which explains why Unkai wanted to capture her to stop her powers.

After Naruto put out the fire on Kiba's back, Naruto and Squad 8 came across a door that led to where Yakumo and Kurenai were located. On the other side of the door, there were huge flames that were visible to them. So, Shino activated his parasitic insects to get through the door because his insect senses are minimal in the genjutsu compared to the human mind.

The interaction between Yakumo and Kurenai.

While Shino's insects were in the process of getting to the other side, Yakumo and Kurenai were still conversing. Yakumo begs Kurenai to tell her the truth about why she sealed her genjutsu and says that if she doesn't tell her the truth, she will end her life. In response, Kurenai said, "It was my decision and my decision alone to seal your genjutsu away. The third Hokage wasn't involved." As a result, Yakumo erases half of the painting of Kurenai's body, which results in the real Kurenai's half-body fading away as well. Afterward, Kurenai said, "Go ahead and release all your resentment, but remember, the only one you should feel hatred toward is me." Yakumo was still adamant that her mother and father were too strong to let themselves die in some house fire, so she believed that someone murdered them. As the episode progresses, she will find out who murdered them. At that moment, Kurenai still acts like a mother figure, as she is risking her life just for Yakumo to find peace. As the episode progresses, Yakumo will realize that Kurenai has cared about her all this time. Therefore, Kurenai is a round character who seems like a real person who cares about Yakumo because she is precious to her.

Naruto and the members of Team 8 head into Yakumo's house to find her with Kurenai, threatening to erase her former sensei from existence. Meanwhile, edgy music plays in the background with a mix of an electric guitar, drums, and a hint of violin when Shino's insects infiltrate her genjutsu through the door. When the insects entered the room where Yakumo and Kurenai were, they covered Yakumo's hand, which had an item made of steel that was used to paint Kurenai's painting. While Shino's insects infiltrated Yakumo's genjutsu, Naruto at the other side of the door activated his Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, and the shadow clones knocked out the real Naruto's head so that Naruto's senses could be minimal to Yakumo's genjutsu. So, after knocking out the real Naruto, they tossed him in the flames, and Naruto successfully entered Yakumo's genjutsu without getting hurt. When he got there, he saw half of Kurenai's body fade away, which compelled him to tell Yakumo the truth about her genjutsu. Despite Kurenai begging Naruto not to tell her the truth, Naruto still goes on to tell Yakumo that Kurenai sealed her powers to protect her and that she is not the only one who's been suffering. Knowing her secret and not being able to tell the truth all this time, Kurenai sensei suffered just as much as Yakumo did. As a result, Yakumo remembers how her parents died.

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