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-Hanni Pham Pov-

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-Hanni Pham Pov-

After being chauffeured home by Y/n, a perplexing cloud of confusion enveloped me.

Questions swirled about why they had taken the trouble to drive me, only to adopt an icy demeanor, especially in the aftermath of today's awkward coffee incident.

The enigma that is Kim Y/n remains elusive, and my attempts at understanding them prove frustrating.

As I stood at the entrance of my apartment, ringing the bell and awaiting its response, the door finally opened after what felt like an eternity.

To no surprise, it was my brother, a constant presence in my life since our mother's untimely departure when I was just 13.

Our father, grappling with heart issues, now resides in the hospital, leaving my brother and me to navigate life together.

The responsibility of caring for them binds me to my job, and were it not for that duty, I would have abandoned it the moment I encountered Kim Y/n.

I can't help but ponder: How can someone be so stoic, refusing even a hint of a smile, consistently projecting an unyielding, workaholic persona?

Are they merely human, or do they lean towards a robotic existence? The frustration lingers, intensifying my growing disdain.

"Hi, Noona!" came the cheerful voice of my 8-year-old brother, Han, peeking through the partially opened door.

"Hey, Hannie!" I responded, my tone lifting with genuine happiness as I enveloped him in a warm hug.

"You're finally here... isn't it a bit early?" he innocently inquired, oblivious to the stranger's role in my early arrival.

"Yeah, and let me get inside so that I can freshen up a bit, and we can catch up on our day," I explained, noting his adorable nod of agreement.

With a smile, I stepped inside, prepared to share the intricate details of the day with my younger sibling.

-Your Pov-

Upon returning home after driving Hanni, a perplexing and lingering emotion of anger clung to me, leaving me unable to shake it off.

The source of this frustration eluded me, particularly after witnessing Hanni and a certain individual named Taesan sharing coffee.

"What's going on with me?" I pondered, questioning the inexplicable turmoil within as I stepped into the house.

The usual greetings from the servants and workers went unnoticed, their bows and welcomes met with my indifferent mood.

My destination was clear - straight to my room.

"Ugh, this is frustrating," I muttered to myself as I methodically shed my coat, loosened my tie, and unbuttoned some of my shirt.

Collapsing onto the couch, I rested my forehead in my palms, exhaling a deep sigh.

The room felt stifling as I contemplated the unusual feelings that had gripped me.

"This is so weird," I thought, shaking my head in an attempt to clear the internal fog.

"I have to maintain my emotions," I whispered, the weight of that self-imposed expectation settling in.

In the bathroom, I turned on the tap, allowing the water to cascade over me.

"Y/n, don't show your emotions. It's making you weak," I reminded myself, the water serving as both a literal and metaphorical cleanse.

Yet, amidst the calming flow, the nagging question persisted: "But why does Ms. Pham make me feel weird?" I couldn't escape the inquiry, grappling with the unsettling notion.

"Ugh, stop this!" I exclaimed, slapping my head in frustration.

"Stop this! Enough!" I commanded myself, attempting to quell the unsettling thoughts and emotions that seemed to have taken residence in my mind.

After spending an hour in the shower, I finally emerged, hair still damp as I vigorously dried it with a towel. As I stepped out of the bathroom, my eyes scanned the room, only to land on an unexpected sight – my younger sister, Mia, nestled in my bed.

A sense of familiarity washed over me, and I couldn't help but inquire with a calm voice that belied my emotionless expression, "Hey, Mia, what are you doing here?"

Mia, all of 8 years old, met my gaze with a pair of innocent eyes.

"I was feeling really lonely, and unnie is out for a party, so I'm here. Can I hang out with you?" she asked, her curiosity evident as she looked at me.

After a brief moment of contemplation, I nodded in agreement.

"Really!?" Mia's face lit up with excitement as she eagerly rose from the bed.

"Yeah, you can," I responded with a calm face, attempting to convey a sense of reassurance.

In the realm of emotions, the only one person I let my guard down with was my little sister.

"Okay then! Can we talk?" Mia's request hung in the air, and after a moment of consideration, I mumbled a casual "Huh?" while maintaining my usual demeanor.

"What do you want to talk about?" I inquired, my eyes fixed on her with a steady gaze.

"Ehmm... about our day!" Mia suggested, to which I offered a nod of agreement.

"Okay then..." I mumbled, making my way to the bed and taking a seat.

Mia, seizing the opportunity, declared herself the storyteller of the day.

"So, I am the first one who's going to tell about the day!" she proclaimed, seeking my approval with a hopeful look.

"About today... you want to know what happened?!" Mia's expression shifted between excitement and seriousness.

I responded by tilting my head, a silent signal for her to proceed.

"I almost hit... a boy! Like, what the heck? Doesn't he know that he is stupid! How the hell did he call me annoying? Am I annoying?" Mia animatedly recounted her encounter, punctuating her words with a pout, seeking assurance from me.

I shook my head, denying her being annoying.

"Aghh, then how the hell did he call me an annoying bird! Aghh, god, why did the teachers stop me!" Mia continued, deepening her pout.

"So how about you?" She redirected the conversation, now eager to hear about my day.

"Mine...?" I hesitated for a moment, gathering my thoughts.

"Mine was weird," I calmly admitted, allowing memories of the day to resurface – the peculiar feelings, Hanni Pham, my secretary, and the coffee incident.

I sighed, my mind briefly dwelling on the complexities of the day.

"Huh, what happened?" Mia's curiosity was palpable.

"Nevermind... let's just talk about your day," I suggested, diverting the conversation away from my own experiences.

Mia, perceptive as ever, sensed that there was more beneath the surface, but wisely chose not to press further.

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