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- Your Pov -

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- Your Pov -

"So, you abuse my sister by making her made coffee again and again on her first day?" Han asked, eyeing me with a scrutinizing gaze.

As Hanni heard that, she choked on her coffee. "Han!" she exclaimed, giving him a reproachful look.

"Uh... no. It's just that... your sister's coffee... kind of... ehm..." I replied calmly but stumbled a bit.

"Yeah, it's true; her coffee sucks, to be honest!" Han smirked, glancing at Hanni, who rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee.

"If it wasn't good, then why are you here drinking her coffee?" Han questioned, looking at me with suspicion.

"Are you have crush on her?" he then asked, making Hanni choke on her coffee once again.

"HAN!" She shot him a warning look.

"Hey, it's just a simple question. Just say yes or no. If it's no, then explain to me why you came here to drink coffee if she's bad at it," Han said, rolling his eyes.

I gulped, glancing at Ms. Pham.

"Just forget—" Hanni began, but I cut her off.

"Yes, I do," I admitted, locking eyes with her.

"W-wait, w-what?" Hanni mumbled, blushing a bit.

"Wait a damn minute! WHAT!?" Han exclaimed, realizing my answer.

- Hanni Pham Pov -

As Y/n bid their farewell at our doorstep, expressing gratitude for the coffee and offering a warm welcome, a slight bow accompanied their words.

I, along with my brother Han, reciprocated the gesture.

"Ehm... see you... tomorrow," Y/n added, walking away with that enigmatic demeanor.

A profound sigh escaped me, releasing the unnoticed tension that had built up within me.

"Hahah, funny! Your boss has a crush on you?" Han teased, his eyes fixed on me as I closed the door.

"Shut up," I retorted coldly, yet my mind continued to grapple with Kim Y/n's unexpected confession.

"I'm never gonna understand this person," I muttered, sinking into the couch.

"But, to be honest, the way your boss looked at you suggests a crush," Han commented, his smirk lingering as he tuned into the TV.

"And I'm a professional at this topic!" he playfully added.

"Kim Y/n... likes... me?" I pondered aloud, releasing another sigh.

"Just drop this topic! I'm heading to the shower now. Bye!" I hastily excused myself, yearning for a break from the conversational whirlwind.

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