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- Your Pov -

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- Your Pov -

"So, you're the secretary? Y/n, you have good taste," Haerin remarked, causing Hanni to choke on her coffee.

"I didn't hire her. It's my mother who did," I explained as Haerin nodded her head with an amused pout.

"You know, your secretary is just too pretty for my liking!" Haerin said, taking a sip of her coffee while slyly eyeing Hanni.

"Oh," I mumbled, maintaining my nonchalant demeanor.

"So, you will work here?" I asked Haerin as she looked at me.

"Yeah... since my father is forcing me to work." Haerin sighed, leaning back in her chair.

Haerin was a childhood friend; we shared a bond as introverts. She was the shy one, and I... well, the cold one. Despite our differences, I always enjoyed talking to her; she had a sweet disposition. One distinctive feature I admired was her cat eyes.

Her father, a shareholder in our company, influenced her decision to work here. She had just returned from studying in America, and her arrival yesterday caught me off guard, making me momentarily think she might be a kidnapper or something.

But, as weird as she was, I loved her.

"Good to hear," I said, smiling at Haerin.

"What... are you happy about that!?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, your ass is gonna work now. Don't act like a cat all the time," I said, prompting her to roll her eyes.

"Don't act like you didn't like that. I know you love it!" Haerin winked, displaying her playful side.

I couldn't help but notice a scoff, and turning my gaze, I saw Ms. Pham observing us with an angry pout while sipping her coffee.

"What's wrong with her? She's acting weird today," I pondered, glancing at Hanni.

"Yeah, I love it," I replied to Haerin's question, earning a smirk from her.

Suddenly, Hanni slammed her coffee on the table.

"Huh?" I thought, surprised by the unexpected action.

"Are you okay?" I asked Hanni, trying to comprehend the situation.

- Hanni Pham Pov -

Am I okay? Aghhh, no, I am not. Do I seem like it? Not at all! Why are they asking that?

My ass is on fire now!!!

"Yeah, I am fine," I said with a forced smile, trying not to look at Y/n and their lovely best friend who's acting like a girlfriend.

Y/n didn't seem convinced, and Haerin sipped the coffee with a smirk, her cat-like eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Are you su-" as Y/n was about to ask again, I abruptly got up from my seat. I bowed. "Can I excuse myself?" I said, attempting to maintain a semblance of composure.

Y/n was caught off guard by my sudden departure, and they nodded in response. Haerin, on the other hand, observed me with evident interest, her gaze lingering.

As I left the scene, I took one last glance at the perplexing pair, Y/n and Haerin.

In the sanctuary of the washroom, I sighed, the sound echoing off the tiles. I turned on the tap, letting the cool water flow over my hands as if attempting to wash away the turmoil within me.

"Aghh, why this feeling? Why am I feeling jealous of Grumpy talking to their best friend?" I mumbled, my reflection in the mirror staring back at me, questioning.

"Gosh, does that mean... I... like... Kim... Y/n... aka... to... me... Grumpy... as well?" The revelation lingered in my thoughts, creating a complex web of emotions.

"No... no... no... I can't!" I mumbled vehemently, running my hands through my hair, trying to dispel the conflicting thoughts.

"I was told not to get involved like this," I recalled, a memory of the advice given to me before accepting the job flashing in my mind.

"I should stop myself from getting attached to Kim Y/n..." I whispered as I nodded my head, a resolution forming amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

- Third Person Pov -

"So, are you okay?" You asked Hanni as she was about to leave your car, driving her back to her house.

"Yeah, I am," Hanni answered, but there was a subtle tension in the air, something you couldn't quite ignore.

As she reached for the door handle to exit, you instinctively grabbed her hand, a gentle yet firm gesture.

"Are you really okay?" you asked, catching her off guard with the touch.

"Y-yeah," she stammered, pulling her hand away, a flicker of discomfort in her expression.

"Don't lie, Ms. Pham. I know you're not," you said, your concern evident in your voice as Hanni met your gaze, a conflicted look in her eyes.

"I am okay. I will be very okay if you leave now!" she stated, her tone unexpectedly cold, leaving you perplexed.

As she walked away, you sat there in the car, a lingering sense of confusion and worry clouding your thoughts.

"What happened to her?" you whispered, sighing with a mix of frustration and concern, before finally driving away to your own house.

A/n :  Angst or fluff for next? (🔪😔)

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