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- Third Person Pov -

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- Third Person Pov -

The office atmosphere hummed with the quiet intensity of tasks at hand.

Surrounded by papers, you were engrossed in your work, Hanni silently ensuring your undisturbed focus.

However, the passage of time slipped your notice until you glanced at your watch, realizing the lateness of the hour.

"It's late now. Why didn't you tell me that time just passed?" Your calm remark punctuated the realization, prompting you to rise from your seat.

"I just didn't want to disturb you in your work, so I..." Hanni's explanation trailed off, her words catching as you fought against the unexpected fluster that threatened to surface.

"Okay, let's go now!" Your response, tinged with a hint of awkwardness, conveyed a subtle shift in the dynamics between you and your secretary.

As you walked out the door, a deliberate avoidance of eye contact betrayed a certain unease, a rarity in your composed demeanor.

Hanni followed you, her thoughts mirroring the perplexity of the situation.

"What happened to that grumpy? They've been weird the whole day," she pondered, a sense of curiosity mingled with a touch of amusement.

As you stood outside the room, the air charged with an unspoken tension, Hanni observed you.

Your gaze, cold and distant, conflicted with something more intangible in your eyes, something she couldn't quite decipher.

"You don't need to—" Hanni began, intending to suggest that you didn't have to drive her home, but you cut her off with a firm declaration. "I will drive you, and don't say no," you asserted, your tone leaving no room for argument as you walked away.

"This grumpy, aghh!" Hanni's inner frustration manifested in her thoughts, yet she couldn't help but run to catch up with you.

- Hanni Pham Pov -

As Y/n drove me home, I couldn't help but replay the day's events in my mind.

"Thanks for driving me home, and you didn't need to do that," I expressed, my gratitude mingling with a sense of intrigue.

"It was my decision, so you should follow it," came Y/n's cold response.

I rolled my eyes, hoping to conceal the slight exasperation beneath a casual facade.

"Ehm... Bye, Y/n-ssi!" I added, bowing my head with an awkward nod, a mix of curiosity and uncertainty lingering in the air.

Y/n's calm voice cut through the silence, posing another unexpected proposition. "Hey, do you mind if I ask you for something?"

I turned to them, my brows furrowing slightly. "Yeah?" I mumbled, a subtle anticipation building.

Secretary Pham [P.hn x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now