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-  Hanni Pham Pov -

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-  Hanni Pham Pov -

I was taken aback when this grumpy of mine came and smoothly paid the bill while I was still engaged in a friendly disagreement with Taesan.

"Get in the car!" Y/n ordered, their tone colder than the rain outside. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and complied. However, I couldn't shake off the lingering tendrils of jealousy that had sprouted when Y/n casually referred to Kang Haerin as 'my hae.'

Y/n placed the bags meticulously on the back seat after settling into the driver's seat. I shifted my gaze away with a pouting expression, harboring my frustration. I wasn't in the mood to interact with this grumpy individual at the moment.

"What's the deal with that guy? Why was he even talking to you? Why are you engaging in conversations with him? Does he hold some special place for you? Do you like him? Is he more appealing than me? Tell me what makes him stand out!" Y/n mumbled, their arms crossed and an irritated pout adorning their face, echoing the sentiments I was currently harboring.

I sighed, opting not to respond to Y/n's inquiries. Engaging in conversation with them was the last thing on my mind, given my current state of frustration.

"So, do you hate me?" Y/n suddenly questioned, locking eyes with me. When did I ever express such a sentiment? "What?" I mumbled, genuinely confused. "You hate me; I get it!" Y/n declared with a furrowed brow. "What?" I repeated, puzzled. When did I communicate any form of hatred towards them?

"If you harbor feelings for that Taesan named thing, then it implies you harbor resentment towards me!" Y/n asserted, maintaining their stubborn pout and still avoiding direct eye contact. I let out another sigh. Did they just casually label Taesan as a mere "thing"?

"When did I ever express love for Taesan?" I asked, arching my eyebrows inquisitively. "You conveniently avoided answering my question about your sentiments towards Taesan, so I interpret it as a confirmation," Y/n pouted, still refusing to meet my gaze. Oh, this grumpy.

"No, I don't like Taesan!" I declared as Y/n fixed their gaze on me. "Really!?" Y/n responded, a charming smile gracing their features. I blushed and nodded, glancing away. "You better; you're already claimed by me," Y/n chuckled, shifting their gaze elsewhere.

I furrowed my brows as I observed them. "Huh, now they're asserting ownership!?" I pondered, scrutinizing Y/n. "So, you're affirming that I'm yours?" I muttered, meeting Y/n's gaze, and they nodded in confirmation. "Then why did you refer to Miss Kang Haerin as 'my hae'!?" I interrogated, keeping my eyes on Y/n.

"W-when? Uh... yeah, I just like to playfully call Hae my hae... haha, she's like my little cat, you know..." Y/n stammered, their eyes focused on me. I sighed, rolling my eyes in response. "Did I say something out of line?" Y/n questioned, a hint of worry in their eyes. I rolled my eyes once again, averting my gaze.

Yes, you did! You called Kang Haerin 'my hae' when you've already claimed me!

Suddenly, a warm hand gently clasped mine. Looking down, I noticed Y/n's hand intertwined with mine. "Hey, if I say something inappropriate, just let me know. I don't want to make the same mistake again," Y/n expressed, their gaze locked on me. Warmth tingled on my cheeks, and I gently withdrew my hand.

"Everything's settled now; let's head home. The cat must be famished."

- Your Pov -

"Ms. Pham, are you still upset?" I observed her crossed arms, wondering if perhaps jealousy played a role. No, that's probably just my imagination working overtime.

With a sigh, I rose from my chair and approached her desk. "Are you angry with me?" I asked, attempting to catch her gaze. "No," she replied tersely, keeping her eyes fixed on her papers. This Ms. Pham...

Taking another step, I grabbed her chair and turned it to face me. "So you're not upset?" I probed, meeting her evasive gaze. "No," she repeated, still avoiding eye contact. I rolled my eyes, contemplating my next move. "Oh, then you dislike me?" I muttered. "Since when did I say I dislike you!?" Ms. Pham suddenly exclaimed, finally locking eyes with me. I grinned inwardly. It worked.

"Then why are you avoiding me!?" I questioned with a frown. "W-what? I'm just doing my work... when did I ignore you?" She mumbled, looking at me. Sighing, I leaned in closer to her face. "Since yesterday. You've been ignoring me all morning, both at your house and here at work. You didn't talk to me unless it was work-related. You didn't act all nervous like you used to! I want attention. I want your attention!" I expressed, scrutinizing her reaction.

Her face suddenly turned red, and she blinked in surprise. "Are you okay?" I asked, puzzled by her sudden change in demeanor.

"Uh... I am!" Ms. Pham stammered, looking away. I sighed. "How am I gonna get her attention?" I pondered, keeping my eyes on her, determined to figure it out.

The air hung in silence as I stood there, observing her absorbed in her paperwork. My dedicated workaholic secretary... 😍

"So, Taesan doesn't hold a special place in your heart, right?" I asked with a small, knowing smile. Ms. Pham sighed, meeting my gaze, and raised an eyebrow. "Yes. I. Do. Not. Like. Taesan!" she affirmed, and I responded with a nod.

"Are you currently unattached?" I posed the question out of the blue, witnessing her choke on her own breath. "Yes, I am. But why this sudden inquiry!?" she exclaimed.

"How about dating me then..?" I suggested, fixing my gaze on her. Once again, she found herself taken aback. "WHAT!?" she mumbled, rising from her chair, wide-eyed. "Wanna date me or not?" I prodded, and she stared at me as if I had just unveiled a surprise. It was undeniably an unusual proposition.

"But you're the one who mentioned that dating among colleagues is a no-go," Ms. Pham pointed out, and my confidence took a hit as I let out a sigh.

This shit rules...


A/n : Happy New Year, fam! 🎉 Let's make this year lit with good vibes and dope memories!🤧🤧

A/n : Happy New Year, fam! 🎉 Let's make this year lit with good vibes and dope memories!🤧🤧

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