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- Your Pov -

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- Your Pov -

As the relentless rain continued to fall, my concern for Ms. Pham deepened. Thoughts of her well-being in such weather occupied my mind, and I couldn't shake off the worry.

An idea sparked within me, "What if I go pick her up? But then again, what if she gets annoyed like before..." I pondered while driving, a faint but hopeful smile playing on my lips.

"If she does get irritated, I'll just tell her I came to retrieve the umbrella... yes, it might be a bit embarrassing, but the chance to see Ms. Pham is worth it!" Determined, I pressed on the gas pedal, the anticipation building with each passing moment.

Suddenly, my attention was diverted by something on the side of the street.

"Wait a minute, isn't that... a cat?"

- Hanni Pham Pov -

As I reached for the door, ready to step out into the rain-soaked world for work, Han's voice called out to me. I turned to face him, and he immediately voiced his concern. "Noona, you don't need to go out now. Wait until the rain slows or something. An umbrella won't protect your small ass in this downpour!" he remarked, earning an eye roll from me.

"I can manage, and your ass is way smaller than mine!" I retorted, to which he scoffed. "Okay, big ass, you can't go. It's raining too much!" he declared, placing his hands on his hips. Determined, I insisted, "No, I have to go to work on time!"

His suggestion caught me off guard. "Why don't you call your grumpy for help?" he proposed, and I sighed, explaining, "I can't! And Y/n is not my grumpy!" I tried to dismiss the conversation, but Han wasn't letting it go. "Oh, who was the person saying 'my grumpy is sad, why did I said that to them' in your room yesterday?" he teased, revealing that he had overheard me.

"Whatever, I'm going!" I whined, opening the door, only to be met by an unexpected sight.

Kim Y/n stood in front of me, completely drenched, cradling a small kitten in their arms. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Y/n-ssi?" I mumbled in confusion, and they greeted me with a small smile. "Hi, Ms. Pham!" Y/n said, gently holding the cat in their arms.

"Here's a towel... um, dry yourself!" I said awkwardly as I handed Y/n a towel while they sat on the couch. "Uh, thanks, Ms. Pham," Y/n replied as they started to dry their hair with the towel. My attention briefly shifted to Han, who was busy drying the poor kitten. Soon, my focus returned to Y/n, who seemed to be struggling with drying their hair. It was during this moment that I noticed something unusual on them.

"Y/n-ssi, did you get hurt?" I asked, my concern evident. They looked at me with a hint of confusion, "Uh... yeah... I... um... it's... embarrassing... I tripped when I went to get the kitten in the rain," Y/n explained, avoiding direct eye contact. Feeling a surge of worry, I decided to take immediate action, "Wait a moment... I'll get the first aid box!" I declared, swiftly moving to retrieve the first aid kit.

Upon my return, I found Y/n still struggling with drying their hair. With a scolding tone, I said, "Aish, you're clumsy. Why the hell do you keep drying your hair when you have a hurt hand?" I took the towel from them, sat beside them, and gently grabbed their hand to inspect the injury. "If I don't dry my hair, I'll get sick, so—ouch!" Y/n winced in pain as I applied mild antiseptic to clean the wound. "Ahh, it hurts!!" they whined, prompting me to comfort them. "Sssh, you clumsy grumpy!" I reassured, and they gradually stopped complaining as I continued the cleaning process. Afterward, I carefully applied ointment and secured the wound with a bandage.

"Here, done!" I announced, looking up to find Y/n already gazing at me. I blinked, noticing their continued gaze averted. Clearing my throat, I addressed them, "Y/n-ssi, it's done!" Y/n looked away, offering a brief apology, "Sorry for startling you." I acknowledged the apology with a nod, got up from the couch, and returned the first aid kit to its previous position.

Upon my return, I observed Y/n still wrestling with the towel and their damp hair. I sighed; this grumpy...

Walking over to them, I decisively took the towel from their hands. "You can't; let me help you!" I insisted. Initially met with confusion, they eventually nodded in agreement. I began drying their hair gently. As we concluded, a clicking sound from a camera caught our attention. Turning to investigate, we discovered Han with a mischievous smirk.

"Such a cute couple!" he playfully exclaimed, even planting a teasing kiss.

"What the... YOU!?" I protested, reacting to his teasing antics with an exaggerated roll of my eyes. In response, Y/n chuckled, their smile reflecting the amusement derived from my reaction.

"Enjoy your love birds time while I take care of Rex!" Han said with a mischievous smirk, sauntering away towards the kitten. "Sex? Did he just say sex?" I thought, my eyes widening as I shot a bewildered glance in Han's direction. "How the heck did he learn that..." I mumbled, shaking my head, and turned my attention back to Y/n, who was curiously observing Han and the cat.

Clearing my throat, I called out to Y/n, "Y/n-ssi?" They turned to look at me, their gaze meeting mine. "Your dress is all damp... how about you change into something else? Or you'll get sick," I suggested, a tone of genuine concern in my voice. Y/n blinked, processing my words, and replied calmly, "No need. Kim Y/n doesn't get sick easily." I sighed, internally lamenting the stubbornness of this grumpy individual.

"It's still raining so much," Y/n remarked, rising from the couch. "We should head to work," they suggested, glancing at me. "Ehm, but you should change into something," I insisted, my worry for them apparently. I couldn't fathom the idea of them working in damp clothes and potentially falling ill.

"No ne-Achoo!!!" Y/n sneezed suddenly, confirming my concerns. I seized the moment with a triumphant smile. "I told you you would get sick, now look!" I exclaimed, trying to drive my point. "I am completely fine-Achoo!!" Y/n sneezed again, and I sighed, realizing I might not win this battle with their stubbornness.

"Come here, I have some oversized clothes you can use!" I said, reaching out and gently grabbing their hand. I led them to my bedroom, their protests fading as we entered. "Ms. Pham, you don't need to," Y/n insisted, but I shook my head determinedly. I rummaged through my closet and selected an oversized hoodie and a few other items.

"Here, wear it!" I said, handing them the clothes with a warm smile before stepping out of the room. As I ventured back into the living room, I found Han looking at me with a smirk, the kitten nestled in his arms. "Owwh, I thought you went to the room for something Ahemmm!!!" he teased before darting off to his room.

This kid...

I busied myself preparing a hot, comforting soup for Kim Y/n.

A/n : Begging y'all for some ideas 🙏🙂

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