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- Hanni Pham Pov -

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- Hanni Pham Pov -

"Han, for the love of sanity, get yourself out of the bathroom!" My repeated pleas seemed to echo endlessly. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he emerged, my phone in hand, wearing an innocuous expression.

Suspicion etched itself onto my face as I confronted him, "What were you up to with my phone?" His attempt at a carefree giggle failed to sway me, and I raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Don't tell me you were indulging in por..." I began, but he promptly interrupted, "Oh, for heaven's sake, what on earth are you implying, daughter?" he retorted, vehemently denying any involvement in watching peculiar content.

"So you were..." I tried again, but he shut down the assumption decisively. "NO, I WASN'T WATCHING CORN VIDEOS, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!!!" he exclaimed, leaving me thoroughly exasperated.

"Are you lying? I'll check the history," I warned. Sighing, he slapped his forehead in apparent defeat. "Fine, I was chatting with your grumpy," he confessed as he walked away.

"What?" I mumbled, tilting my head in bewilderment. "Your grumpy?... Well... darn it... HAN, YOU DAMN GENIUS!!!" I shouted, realizing that Han had messaged my boss, none other than Kim Y/n - my grumpy, or, well, not officially mine.

× • × • × • ×

Upon reclaiming my phone, I found myself sinking into the couch with a heavy sigh. Han, sprawled out lazily, glanced my way as I sifted through notifications.

"Four missed calls from Tae?" I muttered, noticing Taesan's persistent attempts to reach me. "Han, why didn't you bother answering those calls?" I inquired, turning my gaze to him. He responded with a nonchalant roll of his eyes.

"I don't like him," Han stated plainly, his attention still fixated on the TV. "God only knows what he did to you for you to harbor such feelings about him," I sighed, shaking my head, while I dialed Taesan back.

In the midst of making the call, another incoming call disrupted the process, freezing me in my tracks. "What do they want now?" I pondered, exhaling deeply, my eyes falling upon the caller ID - 'My Grumpy.'

"My grumpy?" I squinted at the screen before glancing at Han, who had shifted his gaze toward me.

"What do you want!?" he snapped, and I sighed, shaking my head. Han was undeniably the culprit behind this.

I answered the call, clearing my throat for a moment. "Who is this?" I feigned ignorance. "Ms. Pham, it's me, your grumpy," Y/n's voice came through in a rush. Clearing my throat again, I felt the warmth rising to my cheeks.

"My grumpy?" I repeated, pretending to be curious. "Uh... this is Kim Y/n," they responded, sounding slightly perturbed.

"Oh, Y/n-ssi?" I acted surprised. "Yeah... didn't I save my contact in your phone? How didn't you realize it was me? And can't you recognize me by my voice? Oh, I'm not special to you then..." I heard Grumpy sulking over the phone. I sighed, slapping my forehead.

"Okay, okay, I was just messing around. So, what do you want now, Kim Grumpy?" I said, and Y/n huffed.

"Hello?" I prompted again, but there was no response.

"Y/n-ssi?" Silence.

"Kim Y/n?" Still, no answer.

"Boss?" No response once again.

"Y/n-ssi, are you dead or something?" I sighed.

"I won't answer you until you call me your grumpy," Y/n declared, and my eyes widened.

"W-what?" I stammered, glancing at Han, who was now watching me. I took a deep breath.

"Sorry, no thanks. I'm going to cut the call if you don't talk to me," I announced, and I heard Y/n sigh.

"You don't like me, do you? Whatever, I'm going to make you. Here's the real business - I'm outside your apartment building, waiting for you. Come outside; I'll give you a ride," Y/n said before ending the call.

"What? WHAT!??" I exclaimed, staring at my phone in disbelief.

- Your Pov -

Glancing at my watch, I couldn't help but wonder why she was taking so long. As I tapped my foot and crossed my arms, a voice interrupted my thoughts. "Y/n-ssi?" I heard, prompting me to close my eyes briefly. "What is he doing here? Even he came so quickly," I sighed. "Kim Y/n, don't let him win," I mumbled to myself, turning to see Taesan looking at me with curiosity.

"Hello, Y/n-ssi," he greeted with a bow, and I reciprocated. "What brings you here...haha?" he asked, to which I responded with a cold gaze.

"Can't I have the right to be here? Certainly, I do, so kindly understand it," I retorted, and he raised his eyebrows before nodding.

"I came to provide Hanni and Han a ride to the amusement park," he explained, wearing a smile that only earned an eye roll from me.

"Did I ask you that?" I coldly replied, shifting my focus to my watch once more. The minutes seemed to drag on, each one feeling like an eternity.

"Hanni!" Taesan's voice suddenly rang out, causing me to look up. "Ms. Pham?" I mumbled as I spotted Hanni and Han walking hand in hand.

As Han waved at me, I simply raised my hand in acknowledgment. Once they reached us, Ms. Pham spoke up, saying, "Y/n-ssi?" I looked at her, and she continued. "I'm here to drive you, just to ensure your safety. I don't want someone else to give you a ride. I don't believe they will get you there safely without trouble, so you're going with me. I don't want to lose my secretary to someone else," I explained, glancing at Hanni, who seemed taken aback.

"What? Didn't I tell Hanni that I will drive them? And don't worry; she will come there safely," Taesan chimed in, but I raised my hand to silence him. "I was talking about you. You just got a car, so I don't believe in you. If you want to give someone the first drive of your new car, you can give Han Pham that. He would love to go with you," I declared as I walked over to Ms. Pham, grabbing her hand, and her widened eyes met mine.

"Shall we?" I murmured, catching a glimpse of her cheeks reddening in response.

"WHAT THE?! GRUMPY, HOW CAN YOU PULL THAT ON ME!?" Han groaned, hands on his hips, shooting me an incredulous look.

"My apologies, little Pham. Wishing you a safe journey," I said, guiding Ms. Pham toward the awaiting car.

"Get inside," I opened the passenger door, and she nodded, gracefully stepping into the vehicle. Leaning in, I caught her off guard.

"W-what are you doing?" she stuttered, her gaze seemingly frozen.

"Just securing the seatbelt for you," I replied calmly, fetching it from behind and ensuring her safety. Glancing at her, I noticed her cheeks retained their rosy hue.

"Let's proceed," I said softly, offering her a gentle smile. As I was about to close the door, I couldn't resist adding, "And bear in mind one thing."

She looked up, awaiting my words.

"You're exclusively mine, and mine alone."

A/n : hehe...

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