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- Hanni Pham Pov -

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- Hanni Pham Pov -

[At The Work]

Grumpy's gaze met mine, only to quickly divert when our eyes locked for the fifth time. I let out a sigh - it was becoming a pattern.

"I never thought I'd have someone simp over me so much," I mused silently, growing a bit exasperated. Y/n, seated in front of me, seemed to be wrestling with some inner dilemma.

"Ehm...Ms. Pham Pham?" Y/n's voice interrupted my thoughts, and I arched an eyebrow.

"New nickname unlocked, huh?" I thought, offering them my practiced fake smile. "Yes, Y/n-ssi?"

Leaning in, Grumpy wore a hopeful smile. "I'm feeling rather bored at work. How about we head to the park, take a stroll, get some fresh air, and then try out a new restaurant? I've been itching to go there. Please come with me."

I couldn't help but smile, teasingly responding, "Oh, Kim Y/n is bored at work? Am I dreaming, or is this an act to take me out?" Y/n's eyes widened slightly.

"No, no, no, I'm not acting. If I were good at acting, I'd be an actor by now, but alas, I suck at it," Grumpy dismissed, waving it off.

"But seriously, you could be an actor... Well, whatever. To be honest, I'm pretty bored too, and all I want now is the comforting embrace of my bed," I admitted.

Y/n leaned in, concern in their eyes. "Are you tired?" they asked, to which I nodded.

"How about I give you a piggyback ride? We can walk in the park like that if you're that tired. I really want to go there," Y/n suggested, a small pout forming on their lips.

"Gosh... this grumpy even knows how to act all cute now," I thought, amused.

All of this just because of you, HannPham - you and your adorable charm infecting even Grumpy.

- Your Pov -

"Uh, step inside," I murmured softly, my eyes maintaining a gentle expression as I opened the passenger door for Ms. Pham. Grateful words escaped her lips as she gracefully settled into the car.

Drawing closer, I reached for the seat belt behind her seat. "W-what's happening?" she inquired, her fingers already on the seat belt.

"Allow me to secure the seat belt for you," I replied softly.

Despite her attempt to handle it independently, I insisted on tending to this small act of courtesy. Her gaze briefly met mine, and she then averted her eyes, her face showing signs of being flustered.

Nonetheless, I managed to buckle her seat belt with a reassuring smile.

"Perfect," I murmured, pulling away as she glanced at me briefly before looking away.

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