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- Hanni Pham Pov -

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- Hanni Pham Pov -

A sigh escaped me as I glanced at Dani. "Forgiving doesn't mean you're out of trouble, okay? I'm just refraining from breaking your ass in front of them," I clarified. Dani grinned upon catching the last sentence, finding amusement in my whispered remark.

"So kinky~" she teased, and I couldn't help but release another sigh.

"Okay, sorry, unnie. I won't hide anything from you, I promise!" Dani declared. I nodded, stating, "You better."

"Bab—oops, Dr. Mo, we're leaving." Suddenly, Minji arrived, casting a glance at Dani before turning her attention to me.

"Well, bye-bye, Ms. Secretary~" Minji winked.

"Look, Dani, she's flirting with me!" I teased, playfully.

"Oh no, Minji just likes to wink, haha..." Dani chuckled, taking Minji's hand. "I'll rip your eyes out really gently if you wink at someone, so stop this, okay?" she whispered, a casual smile playing on her lips.

Minji widened her eyes and nodded in response.

"Well... goodbye, unnie!" Dani waved as they both walked away towards Minji's car.

A slight chill embraced me in the night air, and I found myself scanning the surroundings. "Where is that grumpy?" I mumbled, glancing around.

"Miss me?" a voice suddenly emerged behind me, causing me to jump in surprise.

Turning, I discovered it was my grumpy. "You're finally here," I remarked, unable to contain my smile. "Let's go," I suggested.

Y/n nodded in agreement. "Did Miss Kang leave?" I inquired, biting my cheek. The pang of jealousy lingered as Haerin had been close to Y/n during all time.

"Yeah, she did leave, but she left someone with us too," Y/n revealed, prompting me to tilt my head. "Who?" I asked, and my gaze caught a small figure behind Y/n peeking at me – none other than Kim Mia.

"Oh... your little sister?" I questioned, receiving confirmation from Y/n with a nod.

Mia observed me, clutching the hem of Y/n's clothes, displaying a mix of amazement, fear, and shyness.

"Hey, cutie!" I called out, and Mia peeked at me before glancing at Y/n, who wore a small smile.

"Is the Hanni you like?" Mia curiously inquired, causing my eyes to widen.

How did this grumpy's adorable little sister catch wind of that? And, oh god, this Kim Y/n...

"Uh, yeah, Mia, it's the Hanni I like," Y/n responded casually, as if it were the most natural topic.

"Oh, she looks so beautiful and sweet. You should marry her. I'd love to have a beautiful sister-in-law," Mia suggested with enthusiasm. Y/n directed that small smile toward me.

Secretary Pham [P.hn x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now