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- Third Person Pov -

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- Third Person Pov -

"So, how have you been?" Hanni asked her best friend, her fingers gently tapping the side of her coffee cup. She took a thoughtful sip, her eyes locked onto Danielle.

"I'm doing well. Just a lot of pressure at the hospital!" Danielle sighed, leaning back in her chair with a weary yet genuine smile.

"And you, unnie?" The younger one inquired, bringing her cup to her lips, mirroring Hanni's gesture.

"Mine...uh, good," Hanni replied, a subtle unease lacing her voice.

Her gaze wandered as memories of recent days, particularly those involving you, played in her mind.

"So, your boss didn't fire you after that accidental message?" Danielle teased, raising an eyebrow playfully. Hanni responded with a roll of her eyes and a light chuckle.

"No, they didn't! They just gave off a cold aura, that's it," Hanni explained, her words accompanied by a shrug. Another sip of coffee followed, providing a momentary escape.

"Oh, is that so? I knew it. And seems like your boss liked the mirror pic. Go check; you might find that they saved the picture as their wallpaper!" Danielle suggested, her eyes sparkling mischievously. A genuine laugh escaped Hanni as she dismissed the playful idea.

"Never gonna happen, haha!" she insisted, though a hint of curiosity lingered in her expression.

"I heard your boss is somewhat attractive, hmm?" Danielle shifted gears, steering the conversation into a more intriguing territory.

Hanni, caught off guard, stammered out a response. "Y-yeah, a bit, not much!" Hanni admitted, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. She stole a glance around the coffee shop, as if checking for unseen listeners.

"Oh, and want to hear something interesting? Their sister, Kim Minji, you know her?" Danielle continued, drawing Hanni's attention.

With a nod, Hanni acknowledged her familiarity.

"Yeah, I met her once while I was in the office," Hanni shared, recalling the encounter.

"You know!? She is my senior doctor!! Oh, she is so pretty!!" Danielle exclaimed, her admiration evident in her voice. Intrigued, Hanni listened to her friend's enthusiastic admiration.

"Hey, don't tell me you have a crush on her, hmm?" Hanni playfully teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"To be honest, yeah," Danielle admitted, her gaze shifting away momentarily, betraying a hint of bashfulness.

"Ohhh, our Dani has a crush!? Hahaha, so cute!" Hanni teased further, her laughter resonating through the cozy ambiance of the cafe.

The duo continued their banter, enjoying the warmth of friendship and the comforting aroma of coffee that enveloped them.

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