Chapter 1. Aisha

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I am Aisha Grants, a 24-year-old woman in the city-jobless, single, and with a singular ambition: to marry Mr. Luke Addison, the city's formidable threat. Oddly enough, this goal isn't mine but that of my half-brother, Martin Joe. He seeks revenge against Luke Addison for the murder of his mother. I never cared if his family is dead or alive as they never loved me even though I'm my father's child. I am solely devoted to Martin, the only one who cares for me. So what about my ambition? My ambitions are twofold: death and the relentless pursuit of my brother's desires until my death.
I was standing in a bar with a glass of wine in a sleeveless lavender gown. The only insane person in the hall. I know. But I have to seek his attention. And for millionaires like Luke Addison, one has to be extraordinary in a whole different way.
"Are you genuinely fine with this?" Martin questioned from behind. "Aren't you afraid of him? The entire city trembles in his presence." I rolled my eyes and whispered, "Should I be?" He persisted, "You're unique, indeed. You keep professing indifference-neither love nor hate, no fear. Yet, you tread cautiously. Call me if you feel insecure . I'm here." I reassured him, "Don't fret over me." Because I know this person will undoubtedly fulfill one of my wishes. Either you'll discover solace, or I'll find my peace. He nervously patted my head and inquired, "Are you sure he didn't see you on the day of the murder?" "He doesn't recognize me. I assure you. The world doesn't know I belong to the Joe family either. Relax," I reassured him.

Advancing cautiously, I sought to scan the hall. Yet, for an introvert, a crowd always presents itself as a threat, a challenge. And so it did for me.
I inquired of the bartender about his whereabouts. She chuckled, "You want to join this queue too." Observing a line of beautiful ladies so long it tempted me to give up, I asserted, "I'm a close relative. Can you make an exception?" She replied, "Others have claimed some sort of relationship with Luke Addison. One even said she's his mother. Should I believe you?" "No, you shouldn't," I smiled, reluctantly joining the queue. Is he truly that sought after among young ladies? In the line, there was even a teenager in her fifteens. He's polluting society.
The ladies chuckled at my attire, as expected. One of them quipped, "You're here to meet him, really?" I laughed and responded, "Nope. I'm here to pour a glass of water on his wine. I'm special staff, as per his order. Can you let me through?" Aware that such flimsy excuses wouldn't hold, they paid no heed to my words and instead continued gossiping about my outfit.
I had been thinking all sort of wierdness to execute but simply made my way outside.

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