Chapter 17. Aisha

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Suddenly, drowsiness enveloped me. The hall seemed to spin, or perhaps a migraine was setting in. Was that drink alcoholic?

I hurried to a room, but it was already occupied by a couple. So, I opened the next door and locked it from the inside. Without wasting a minute, I called Martin.

"Can you come to me right now?"

"Where are you?"

"A storage room on the ground floor."

*after a few minutes*

"Are you inside?"

"Yeah. Lock it from outside."


If that drink was really alcoholic, and if I lose my mind, I couldn't bear to witness the aftermath.

"Just lock it and wait for my next call."

My head throbbed with pain, and it took considerable effort to open my sluggish eyes. It was already morning. I knocked on the door while calling him, hearing his phone ringing from outside. He opened the door.

"Were you here the whole night?"

"Nope. I slept in one of the rooms. I came here at dawn, thinking you might need something."

"I unknowingly drank alcoholic beverages, perhaps."

"It's okay. People drink and act wild. It's not embarrassing. By the way, why were you crying last night?"

That was precisely why I avoided getting drunk.

"Luke? Did he come looking for me?"

"I told him that you went home after being social for a long period."

"Are you feeling better now?"


"Can we talk?"



As we sat down for breakfast,

"Has he started doubting you?"

"Seems like he's fine with me. No suspicious looks. I don't think he knows about me yet."

"That's good."

"But Kristen is his close friend, and she knows me as well as you."

"Did she spill the beans last night?"

"Maybe not yet. She enjoys her games. I think she'll reveal it in the worst possible way."

"Before she reveals your truth her way, find the bond papers of him and The Dybbuk Club."

"What club? Hold on, I think I've heard that name before. A movie, maybe..."

"It's an underworld business, dealing in weapon imports."

"What's your plan?"

"I need to gather details about its location and area coverage."

"And then?"

"Be extra careful. He might have installed cameras to monitor you. He's more dangerous than you might think."

I encountered Kristen while departing. Attempting to ignore her, I kept walking, but she blocked my path.

"What will he do if he learns you're the daughter of the man whose second wife was killed by his hands?"

"Are you intending to blackmail me with this?"

"Oh, you're indifferent, I see. Fine. Let me inform him, then we'll see how much courage you really have."

"You don't need to put in much effort, Kristen."

I switched on my phone and called Luke. "Hello, Luke. Are you free right now?"
He inquired, "Do you need anything? What's the matter?"
I said, "Did you know I'm the daughter of -"
Kristen snatched the phone from my hand and hung up.

"Why? Are you scared?"

"No. But if he's currently blinded by your love, he might get enraged enough to be manipulated. I have my own way of dealing with you."

"Good luck."

"I hope you find a chance to say the same next time after I deal with your half-brother."

"What are you going to do with him?"

"So you do care about someone. Glad to hear it."

"You wanted to hear that from me, right? So that you can use him as bait. I don't know about your tricks, but let me warn you, I won't get involved. Do whatever you want. I'll consider it his fate."

At home, my attempt at cooking resulted in cup noodles. The clock showed ten past eleven. Should I wait for him? Should I eat without him? Why do I carry guilt for everything?

I waited, watching TV. As long as I'm alive, I should treat him like family. I'm probably just a guest for a few days. Once he discovers my truth, he might end up killing me anyway. Ah, I can't wait for that day.

The following morning, I rose early, even before him. As I contemplated ordering breakfast, Evan arrived, holding a package.

"Good morning. Is this -"

"Ah. Boss doesn't fancy delivery food too often. So, I brought homemade French toast for both of you."

"You made them?"

"My mom cooked these."

"Can you do me a favor? Can your mother teach me to cook?"

"I could hire a professional chef for you, Madam."

"I'd feel uncomfortable. If she's busy, then it's okay."

"No, no. She won't mind. She's bored alone at home. But I need to check with Boss."


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