Chapter 46. Luke

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I found myself succumbing to her temptation, unable to resist her advances. Why couldn't I stop her? Why did I crave it even more? Who was she to dare to kiss me like that?

As reality crashed down upon her, she took a few steps back, clearly startled by her own actions. But I couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity that washed over me in that moment.

The amusement park glowed with a multitude of vibrant lights, casting a surreal aura around us. The Ferris wheel loomed behind her, its presence stirring a sense of déjà vu within me. And the kiss... it felt like I had experienced it before, like it was etched into the very fabric of my memories.

I signaled to my men, who swiftly bound her in restraints. Leaning in close, I whispered in her ear, "Your brother's safety hinges on your compliance. Don't make trouble for me."

Taking her to my house, I watched as she surveyed the surroundings with wary eyes.

"Step inside," I instructed, my tone laced with a hint of mockery. "Consider yourself fortunate to enter my home without being handcuffed."

Her cautious steps seemed more absurd than fearful.

She hesitated before questioning, "Why have you brought me here?"

I replied calmly, "You need a reason?"

Asserting herself, she insisted, "Of course. I deserve at least one."

Closing the distance between us, I met her gaze directly. "I've developed a fondness for you. Isn't that reason enough?"

A smirk played across her lips as she countered, "That's an explanation I gave long ago. Give me a more rational one."

I stated bluntly, "I want you to serve me your death."

Her smile turned bitter as she responded, "When I fought desperately to grant that wish, you couldn't comply. And now, when I'm struggling to survive, you want me dead. Am I the ridiculous one, or are you simply toying with me?"

Confusion clouded my mind as I questioned, "What do you mean? Regardless, I don't care about your thoughts. You'll remain here for only three days. After that, I'll allow you to meet your destiny. In other words, you've been given three days. Make the most of them."

With firmness in her voice, she issued a warning, "Until then, don't harm my brother. It's a pact. Any breach could cost a life."

"Are you threatening me?" I inquired, arching an eyebrow.

Her response was measured. "You can interpret it however you like."

"Well, here's the way to—" I began, but before I could finish, she had already found her way to a room upstairs.

What surprised me even more was her ease of movement throughout the house, as if she had lived there all her life. She navigated the kitchen effortlessly, preparing her midnight snack without needing any guidance on where to find utensils or ingredients. I didn't even have to point out the balcony; she seemed to know it instinctively.

As she stood on the balcony, she murmured softly to the plants, "It's been a while. Looks like you're all doing fine."

Feeling the vibration of my phone, I descended the stairs and found Evan waiting for me in the living room.

Luke: "What brings you here? I didn't assign you any tasks."

Evan: "I heard about Madam. Why did you bring her here?"

Luke: "I don't understand why you insist on calling her 'Madam.' Didn't you refer to her as 'Madam' on the day of the accident too?"

Evan: "Did I? I suppose it's become a habit of mine to address any woman in your vicinity as 'Madam.' My apologies for my thoughtless behavior."

Luke: "I can't shake the feeling that she's somehow connected to those six months I've forgotten."

Evan: "And what makes you believe that?"

Luke: "Her appearance, her presence—it all triggers a sense of déjà vu. I keep feeling like I've been in those places, done those things before. To confirm whether she's truly linked to my past or not, I decided to keep her here for three days."

Evan: "Three days?"

Luke: "Yeah, for three days."

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