Chapter 27. Aisha

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The door creaked open, and a stream of light flooded the room. With limited strength, I struggled to get up and identify the person entering. A forceful kick to his back sent him sprawling to the ground. The features of the person standing behind him became distinct. My lips whispered the name I yearned for, "L - U - K - E."

He said, "Take care of Martin" as he approached me.

"You're here earlier than I assumed."

"Let's go."

"You're making a mistake."

"Then I would love to make more mistakes."

"Don't. Please don't. Your this attitude will kill me more badly than I wished for."

"You're not in a state to argue now. Come on."

He enveloped his arms around my waist to help me stand. I pushed his hand away and tightly hugged my knees. I uttered, "Don't. I can't go."

"Why? Did he threaten you? Tell me."

"I made a promise."

"Is your promise cost more than your life?"

"It was never truly mine."

"You're correct. Previously, it might have belonged to your brother, but now its mine."

He scooped me up into his arms and carried me to his car. He took a seat beside me, and we drove home. When he tried to help me upstairs, I stopped him and went on my own. After a while, he entered with a plate full of green veggies. Placing the plate on the bed, he held my hand. I attempted to withdraw, but he insisted. He noticed the scars on my skin.

"Is this Martin Joe's doing?" He exclaimed with anguish while examining the scars.

"This has nothing to do with him." I attempted to pull my hand back, but his grip was unyielding.

He instructed his maid to bring warm water and a first aid box.

"It's not needed," I insisted. "It's truly not his doing. Get that!"

"It's wiser for you to follow my words. Otherwise, I have my own ways of making you comply."

He leaned in closer, his breath lightly grazing my skin. I recoiled, losing my balance. His subtle smirk was the most dangerous and intriguing thing I had ever yearned for.


A week passed, and he continued to be kind to me. Early in the morning, my phone rang.

"Hello, Aisha."

"Hey. What do you want now?"

"Do I always need a reason?"

"Are you my cousin? My bestie? If not, find another lady to play nice with."

"Seems like he's still treating you well."

"Shouldn't he?"

"Well, I called to give you a heads up. Be careful. He's capable of anything. And if he hasn't done anything yet, he's definitely planning something beyond our mind's ability to comprehend."

"What on earth are you talking about? I'm hanging up."

"He's aware of everything about you-your past, reasons and plans. He didn't hesitate to strangle me, his best friend for all these years. He can endure anything but deceit. Take care."

His maid arrived, presenting a stunning dress. When I questioned its purpose, she informed me that it was the boss's order to assist me in preparing for the dinner tonight.
Unfazed by the hotel's extravagance, I entered. My gaze searched for him. Dressed in his finest suit, he cast a captivating glow that seemed to outshine the candlelight. Courteously, he pulled out a chair for me to sit.

"What would you like to order?"

"Drop the act. What are you planning?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Quit pretending like you're clueless."

"If you elaborate."

"You know perfectly well what I mean. My name, my family, my-"

"Your past, your identity has nothing to do with me. All that matters is you're my wife."

"After all I've done, it's unlikely for someone like you to spare my life so easily. So, tell me the cost."

"You're right. I don't trust you. In fact, I never believed you from the moment you confessed that you had to marry me. But it's my choice to follow my heart. And my heart is prepared to be shattered. So, Shatter me, Darling."

"Luke, tell me beforehand what you're planning to do with me so that I can be prepared. I can't play games."

"I'm as serious as I was about our marriage."

"Fine. I'll make sure you won't get a chance to regret. Because by then, you'll be busy collecting the scattered pieces of your broken heart. Are you sure you still want to?"

"What if I say yes?"

"Then you will find it late to regret."

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