Chapter 29. Luke

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I used to shoot twice before giving a thought. But today why do I hesitate to run my bullet over the cat she adores.

I delicately served her cat, and as she gracefully descended the stairs, she seamlessly made her way to the kitchen. Balancing a bite of food, she  prepared something before entering the living room.

"I'll be in my study room. Feel free to call if you need anything," I offered.

She acknowledged with a subtle nod.

Entering my room, I discovered an MP3 player on my table. Next to it, there was a note.

"I pondered for quite a while - what would be the perfect gift? Then it struck me that not everything lasts a lifetime, and over time, no gift can truly be labeled as the best. The most comforting gift would be the finest. This MP3 player holds a playlist of songs to accompany you during your low days.

Mr. Luke Addison,
Happy Birthday."

Unbeknownst to me, a smile adorned my lips. A sudden desire to spend time with her enveloped me. I ventured out to find her engrossed in a movie, cuddling with the cat. Closing the curtains to dim the room, I approached quietly and sat on the floor, leaning against the couch beside her. She, deeply immersed in the movie, didn't initially notice the subtle change. As her gaze shifted from the TV to me, I gently lifted the cat and placed it on the floor.
Her perplexed gaze sent a shiver through me.

I stated with a playful tone, "Don't let the cat take my place."

She, still puzzled, asked, "Huh?"

I clarified, "I'm the one who can be your company. Don't let thoughts of others in your tiny head, not even the cat. I want your mind filled with thoughts of mine, Little Missy."

Her unwavering gaze was tempting me to devour her in that very moment.

"If you don't stop staring at me, you're going to regret. Because I won't be gentle."


"Do you want it to get wild?"

She jerked back, redirecting her attention to the movie.

I tried to focus on the movie, but it felt tedious, prompting several yawns. However, she was so engrossed that she didn't even notice my playful fingers intertwining with hers.
I started a conversation while staring at her.

"Hey, what's the name?"

"Umm... Better Days."

"Uhmm. Why is the she crying?"

"Because he's going to jail."

"And why is he going to jail?"

"To help her."

After a while, I observed her tears and offered the tissue box.

"Why are you crying?" I inquired.

She wiped her tears, looking at me. She remarked, "You don't feel bad?"

"Why?" I questioned. "I do feel sorry for you to shed tears over a movie."

"It's not just a movie. You know he took the entire blame to save her. In truth, it was their plan. But he deceived the police and the girl so that she could live a normal life. He shouldn't have lied. They love each other, so they are meant to share their despair too. Sacrificing is not the only way to keep your loved ones safe and sound; sometimes, it hurts more than life's hurdles."

"But they're having a happy ending."

"Not every struggle is destined for a happy ending. Life's crises overshadow the joy of a happy ending. Some people simply yearn for an ending, and that ending can cost them a lifetime."

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