Chapter 23. Luke

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"Tomorrow morning will bring me one step closer to Peter Joe's downfall," I murmured, raising the wine glass for a toast. I longed for my Missy. Despite sharing the same roof, catching a glimpse of her was a challenge. I headed to the living room, anticipating her presence, but she wasn't there. Checking her room yielded no results. Following a faint voice, I discovered it emanating from the balcony.

"Even if he loses everything, you'll still get a portion. It's more than enough for a luxurious life," she murmured while burning a paper. Continuing, she said, "I cannot... I must ensure your security before..." and let out a sigh.


"Boss, it's urgent. Our man confirmed that Madam was caught red-handed eavesdropping on Peter Joe and his men," Evan reported.

I rushed to the provided address. The man in charge of her led me to the room. As I opened the door slightly to witness the scene, ensuring my man recorded everything, she received a slap on her face. Taken aback, my heart skipped a beat. I swiftly ordered to turn off his phone and leave.

"You little! Did you lead Luke's men here to leak my confidential plan? Well, let me tell you, it was all a plan to catch you."

"You have so much free time to plot against me. I'm glad to hear. Stop wasting your time on me. I won't be interested anymore."

"You handed him those papers, right? What do you think, you can destroy me like this? In your dreams, baby."

"I just wanted you to lose everything."

He delivered another slap to her face. I clenched my fist.

"I'm ashamed to call you my daughter. Your birth is like a curse, tarnishing my reputation."

"Then maybe you shouldn't have fucked Mom back then."

He threw her to the ground. I froze, halting my feet from approaching. Unexpectedly, she laughed.

"Thank goodness, your son cherishes his sister more than your diamonds. I could have blackmailed you using your son. But I know once you find him worthless, you'll bring another mom to him, gifting another sibling. Do you find it amusing?"

He pulled her back to her feet by grabbing her hair.

"You little wench! I will cut your tongue if you utter another word. I've built my empire. Neither you nor your mom paid a penny for me. So I don't owe anything to you."

"It's better to cut my throat."

He released her.
She continued, "I'm not Mom; remember that. She might have endured the pain you've given her, but I won't. Even if I wish to die, my prayer has always been for your torment. Today, you got a chance to hit me, so hit me as you will. I promise I won't moan. But tomorrow, when I get a chance, you won't be able to hold back your cry."

"Is that a threat?"

"Doesn't it sound fun?"

Approaching him, she gently patted his shoulder and whispered, "I only owe my brother, Martin Joe. But don't mistake it for an opportunity to blackmail me using him. I just love him, that's all. His life has nothing to do with me. And my presence shouldn't bother you at all, as I've never considered you my father since my mom left."

He remarked, "You weren't like this before. You're still my child, but you've become spoiled to the point where decency seems impossible."

"You're right. I'm blinded by my hatred, unable to see your love. I know deep down in your heart, you still love me as your daughter, and that's why I'm still breathing. Otherwise, I would have vanished long ago. Perhaps in my next life, I'll have better luck meeting your expectations as a daughter. But in this life, I yearn to witness your pain." With that, she left.

She stormed out of the pub, and I followed, concerned. In the outdoors, I meticulously scanned nearby shops and roads but couldn't locate her. Dialing her number, I followed the ringtone until I discovered her sitting near a trash bin, sobbing in the rain. While taking off my wet coat to offer it, I realized it's soaked.
I might catch a cold.

I headed to a nearby convenience store, purchased an umbrella, and provided her shelter from the rain. As she looked up, her eyes were all soggy.

"Did someone snatch away your candy pop?" I teased her, trying to elicit a smile.

"Yeah." She burst into a small giggle. Then continued, "And I had no umbrella."

"But there are shops and shelters around, enough for you to fit in," I said, offering my hand to help her get up.
Unexpectedly, without uttering a single word, she accepted it and walked alongside me, holding my hand.
Upon reaching home, we changed into dry clothes, and I ordered takeaway for dinner. The journey home was met with her lingering silence.

The next morning, feeling a bit refreshed after a mild fever last night, I reached for my phone on the side table. Instead of the phone, my hand touched something soft. I sat up to find Aisha dozing off beside me, with a bowl of water and a piece of cloth on the table. Had she been caring for me the entire night? My gentle movement woke her up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she rushed to the bathroom.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" she inquired after washing up.

"I'm good, thanks to you. Come, have breakfast," I responded, serving her a plate.

She voiced her concern, "You should rest. You might not be completely recovered."

I approached her, leaning in.
In a low voice, she asked, "What?"
Leaning even closer, I raised a brow.
She surprised me with a peck on my lips.
Her shameless shyness induced my heartbeat. Regaining control over my wild thoughts, I teased, "Aren't you supposed to check my temperature?"
"Oh, yeah." She reached out to my forehead, "It's gone," and took a step back.
Embarassing Moment 5.

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