Chapter 45. Aisha

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He stepped back, his gaze lingering on me briefly. "Next time, Miss Aisha Grants," he remarked before turning towards the door. Without looking back, he added, "I would appreciate another coffee. Good luck."

As he left, I sighed in relief, grateful for the reprieve.


Martin: Aish, what's the reason for going to Grandpa's place all of a sudden?

Aisha: We're just paying him a visit.

Martin: But why now?

Aisha: No particular reason.

The fear from last night's nightmare still lingers, haunting my thoughts. In the dream, Luke and his men invaded our home, encircling us with menace. I watched in horror as he aimed his gun at Martin, my desperate pleas falling on deaf ears as he pulled the trigger. Though it was only a dream, the terror felt agonizingly real. I refuse to let Luke turn that nightmare into a reality. That's why I hurried here—to buy us a few more days of safety until we can evade his relentless pursuit.

Two days passed.

The passing days did little to ease my worries; if anything, they only intensified. Nightmares plagued my sleep, but the real torment began when those nightmares seeped into my waking hours, transforming into haunting hallucinations. I saw him everywhere—in broad daylight while feeding Martin, during our walks, even in the kitchen as I cooked. His presence felt suffocating, inescapable.

But the situation reached its breaking point when Martin bore witness to my descent into madness. The day he discovered the truth about Luke's return was the worst. My panicked reaction to the hallucinations inadvertently led to me revealing the horrifying reality to him. With a quick search, he confirmed what he feared most: Luke was indeed alive. And it was all because of me.

Seeking solace, I took a stroll along the riverside, hoping to find peace amid the chaos swirling in my mind. Lost in thoughts of the past days spent with Luke, a smile tugged at my lips before I quickly suppressed it. I couldn't afford to entertain those feelings—not when my sole focus was Martin's well-being.

As I tried to ground myself, I caught a glimpse of his reflection in the water. Startled, I turned to the other side and saw him standing there, tangible and real. My breath caught in my throat, a heaviness settling in my chest as a wave of panic washed over me. My hands grew cold, and sweat beaded on my forehead, the reality of his presence sending shockwaves through my body.

Heart pounding, I sprinted home as fast as my legs could carry me. Once inside, I hastily locked the door and drew the curtains closed, sealing myself off from the outside world. With trembling hands, I shut every window, desperate to shut out the terror that lurked beyond.

Martin inquired, his eyes filled with concern, "Did you spot him again?"

Attempting to mask my fear, I chuckled nervously, "What? No, not at all. I was just pursued by a stray dog. It was relentless, wouldn't give up." Yet, my quivering voice betrayed the anxiety I sought to conceal.

Approaching me, Martin took my hand. "Are you alright?" he asked, his eyes reflecting genuine worry.

"I can't afford to die," I confessed softly, my gaze meeting his. "I'll find a way to stay by your side for the rest of your life, even if death itself chases after me. But are you prepared to make me your girlfriend?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"What? Girlfriend?" he replied, clearly taken aback by my sudden question.

"Indeed," I continued, a faint smile gracing my lips. "If I'm constantly by your side like your shadow, and you continue to care for me in this manner, your mysterious partner might just grow envious. So, please don't fret about me, alright? I'm perfectly fine." With those words, I sought to reassure him, hoping to alleviate his concerns.

"I'm not concerned about you. I'm concerned about myself. He'll be watching me, aiming to end my life. He won't harm you because he loves you. If you're not okay, then how can I rely on you to shield me?" Martin admitted, his tone filled with apprehension.

The Summer Fair.

I strolled alongside Martin, his appetite for snacks seemingly insatiable. After indulging his cravings, I paused by the Ferris wheel, inundated by a deluge of memories.

My first kiss.

My first fluttering heart.

My first taste of love driving me to the brink of madness.

And he stood before me. I instinctively turned away, attempting to ground myself in reality. But for a fleeting moment, I wished to freeze time, to linger in the illusion before me. My feet hesitated, then halted, defying my intention to retreat.

In that instant, I allowed myself to believe he was real, despite knowing he was merely a mirage. Stepping forward, I dropped the items I was holding, drawing closer until our lips met in a kiss.

But the sensation was too vivid, too lifelike. His presence, the warmth of his touch—it all felt real. This person wasn't just a figment of my imagination, but a tangible being with flesh and blood. Startled, I recoiled, a shiver coursing through me as I grappled with the sudden intrusion of reality.

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