The Incident.

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Kaya recently moved in with her aunt. She's much nicer to her and super supportive she loves me.
Im at her house we decided to watch the whole scream franchise again were always sending scream edits to each other and stuff anyways we start at scream one eating snacks and laughing god i love her we get to the 6 scream finally were both really tired but manage to stay awake its 11 at night i told my brothers i would be home at 10:30 to be honest i havent checked my phone. The movie ends "omg im so tired im going to sleep" kaya says yawning then pulling me in for a kiss "mk goodnight baby" we kiss for a bit then she goes upstairs to her room and i leave out the front door saying good bye to her aunt and walking home it was nice out today so i walked instead of getting matt to drive me but now it was night so it was cold i would have texted matt but hes probably mad at me for being late and kayas house is only 10 minutes away from mine so it would be a nice walk. Half way threw the walk i feel like someone is following me i dont want to look behide me but i do and the second i do a man come running up and grabs me putting his hand over my mouth so i cant scream im kicking him with all my force but he doesnt give up he starts taking off my top and thats when i realize where this was going...(im not writing this part but you know what happened) he quickly runs away leaving me with only my oversized t-shirt and some underwear im shaking and crying im bleeding alot i got cuts bruises all over my body crying i find my phone on the ground and call Matt.

Matts Pov:
Ava calls me crying "matt- i need help" thats all i was able to hear from her sobs i get her to send me her location and i immediately hop in the car with Chris and Nick i start to speed even tho it was only 5 minutes away.

Averys Pov:
i called Matt, and he said he was on his way. i hope he comes soon. im in pain everywhere. i try and stand, but my legs are just too weak, and then i black out.

I woke up in a hospital. Matt found me shortly after i passed out. Next to me, i saw Chris sleeping. "Chris.." My voice is really raspy. He immediately wakes up and hugs me. "ava... omg" he starts to cry we hug for a long time when Nick and Matt walk in the room they were talking to a police officer "great shes awake miss can we ask u a few questions" the police officer says looking at me thats when Nick snaps "excuse me i havent got a chance to hug my sister you can wait 10 minutes!" The police officer steps out the room as Nick and Matt come running to me, giving me the biggest hug ever."im so glad you're okay, " Matt says, crying too. I start balwing my eyes out so scared "can you tell us what exactly happened" Nick says hugging me "well i was walking back from kayas and this dude started to follow me then dragged me behide this random brick house and um yea." Im sobbing uncontrollably when the police officer walks back into the room "im really sorry but we need to question you now" i agree hesitantly but do Nick, Matt and Chris leave the room well the police officer questions me about every detail that happens last night im so scared of him i start to have a panic attack when Matt walks in the room "okay thats enough youve heard enough details and scared her enough" Chris goes to sign the paper work to get us out of here well Matt packs up Nick sits and stays with me "were you guys listening at the door?" I ask him "yeah im sorry, Ave, " he says, looking down "its fine i just didn't want to hurt you.." i put back on some clothes that Matt brought me from home and Nick helped me walk to the car i could walk pretty fine but my legs still felt like they fell asleep i lay on Nicks lap the way home drifting in and out of sleep. When we get home Chris helps me to my room i take a look at some of the paperwork to figure out what exactly happened turns out i had a pretty big tear dont ask me how he managed that also some other minor injuries like cuts and shit.
I went to take a shower hoping to be in there for hours scrubbing every inch of my body well crying after a 1 hour shower my body was completely red i put on some PJ pants and a fresh love hoodie then i get a text from kaya i didnt bother opening it because i felt so guilty like i cheated on her i knew it wasnt my choice and i did everything i could the guilt felt so heavy i knew i shouldnt but i went into my dresser and pulled out a blade i knew this was hurting my brothers enough but i had to. i deserved it i rolled up my sleaves pressing the blade to my skin going quick to the side i wasnt aiming for blood this time just pain i did that like 8 more times before rinsing under cold water and putting my hoodie back down and crying myself to sleep but i couldn't sleep i heard someone come into my room at about 3 am it was nick i slid in bed with me and hugged me until i fell asleep.

Avery Sturniolo ♡Where stories live. Discover now