Prolouge - A New Destruction

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There was something loud going off that woke up the boy in his bed.

It kept ringing and it felt way closer than it actually was. He barely peeked open his eyes, just barely seeing the inside of his room. His alarm clock was getting annoying by the second.

"Alright, alright..." He kept muttering and finally managed to turn it off himself.

After a moment of silence, he forced himself to sit up. His eyesight was a bit blurry but after blinking a few times, he could finally see just fine. The sun was just barely shining through the window but it felt too late for it to be just coming up.

He ran fingers through his tangled hair, heavily sighing. "Hmm...what...what time is it...?" After catching some tangles, he slightly winced. "This sucks..."

He forgot to check the time on his clock, getting up from his bed and looking out the window. Seeing the slightly setting sun made him fully wake up.

"How long did I sleep in for?!"

"Where is your brother?" His mom was in the kitchen, finishing making food. "It's the afternoon already."

"Huh?" The other boy was on the couch and slightly sat up. "I don't know."

"You should know! That's your brother!" She turned towards their room and called out, "HEY! LUNCHTIME! ARE YOU AWAKE, RAIMU?!"

"Huh?" Raimu heard his name and slightly faced towards the door.


"IF YOU DON'T COME IN NOW, I'LL EAT YOUR FOOD!" The other boy called out with a large smirk.

Raimu jolted and went towards the door. "STOP IT! I'M COMING!"

He began rushing to get ready, not wanting to lose his lunch. Running for his drawer, he quickly got dressed into something.

"WOW!" His brother yelled again and acted like he was about to eat his food. "THIS LOOKS GOOD!"

Raimu rolled his eyes while putting on his shirt. "BE QUIET!"

He made sure to look in the mirror to check on his hair. It barely looked like it was growing to his shoulders and stayed spiky. All he did was mess it up slightly until it looked somewhat decent. Right after, he ran out of his room towards the kitchen.

"Good afternoon, Raimu." His mom was the first to greet him, putting his plates on the table.

Raimu yawned and tried his best to hurry to the table. "Good morning."

"Did you not hear her?" His brother smirked, already sitting at the table. "It's the afternoon, stupid."

He rolled his eyes and sat down in a chair. "Shut up, Goten."

There were always reasons for him to hate his brother, Goten. It was mainly because he was annoying and there was so much more but he was too tired to think about anything else. All he wanted to do now was eat his lunch.

"Anyways, Raimu..." His mom came over to him and he saw the face of Chi-Chi fully. "Why did you sleep in so late?"

Raimu stared out but then blinked once. "Huh? I don't know. I was probably just tired."

"Hm. That's not like you to sleep in. You're usually the first one awake."

"Yeah that's..."

He stopped talking like he forgot what he was going to say. After blinking again, he looked around the room but it was only the three.

Chi-Chi watched him for another second before getting his attention. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." Raimu managed to brush off the feeling. "Mhm, I'm fine."

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