Chapter 10 - Cori's New Find

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Everything was so much more silent than it was before.

The wind was softly blowing, giving off a cool breeze despite the fact that it was already freezing enough. It barely bothered Cori at all even though his hair was now in his face. That was just enough to force him to open his eyes, making him realize he was laying on the ground.

He had fallen asleep and didn't even know it. At first, he was confused on how he got outside but one glance to the side showed him the body of his former friend.

That caused him to quickly sit up. He noticed how there was little blood on him. He knew that he had held her body but most of it was already dried when he did get to her so it helped not ruin his clothes. The little blood that was on him was still disturbing and he caught his breath.

"Valli..." Cori muttered her name, not surprised when she didn't respond. "...I'm so sorry."

He reached over to her body, grabbing onto her cold hand and squeezing it with no response. All his tears were finally gone so there wasn't anything left for him to do.

"...I should probably go and find Daikon...and Raimu." The idea of having to find their bodies haunted him. "...I guess-"

He forced himself to stop talking, growing tense. There was someone nearby that he could barely sense. He quickly stood up and grumbled to himself. Just as he was about to step away, he stared at Valli.

"...I'm so sorry." He muttered to her, hurting more when having to run from her body.

While running, he began thinking about who he sensed. There was anger beginning to build up in him.

''s probably Lych...!' He stopped running and turned around with a serious look. 'She did that to Valli...and Daikon and Raimu...'

Putting out his hands, he waited to catch sight of her. His eyes were narrowed as he stayed focused, waiting for anything to happen. That's when he became much less tense and he lowered his arms.

The person he was sensing wasn't Lych. It wasn't weak enough for him not to completely sense but it was obvious that it wasn't her. He tried his best to figure out who it wasn't but couldn't. To his disappointment, he knew it wasn't Daikon or Raimu so it was someone else entirely.

It was someone new. Another survivor, possibly.

He started thinking more about it, still wanting to be careful. 'Lych did mention the Clan...'


"'Shut up' and 'be quiet' won't work on someone like me." She threw out her cape while putting out her arm. "I'm Lych, a 5-star of the Black Star Clan. Words from humans like you all don't do anything to me and can't do anything since I'm one of the strongest."
"That makes me think..." Valli started and there was her hopeless look in her eyes. "Even if we manage to defeat Lych..."

Raimu understood where she was going with her sentence. "Someone can take her place..."

"And continue where she left off."


'Could it be another Clan member?' With that, he went over to an alleyway to hide so he wasn't out in the open.

It wasn't a bad idea to him at all. If there were more Clan members, he knew he'd be in trouble.

He tried his best to focus on who he was sensing. It wasn't any of his friends, he knew that much, but it was someone. The other Clan members were probably strong going off Lych's strength but the person he was sensing wasn't like her. It was much more weaker and he could tell this one wasn't that strong.

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