Chapter 13 - Lych's Strategy

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Vegeta didn't hesitate to fly straight towards Lych.

He attempted to punch her but Lych quickly put up her arm, blocking it. The other two were able to feel the wind of it, Raimu's hair being blown away by it. Vegeta and Lych stared at each other, clearly already focusing on fighting.

"Wow..." Raimu was still surprised but he quickly fixed his hair. 'They just started but they're both so strong...'

Vegeta attempted to punch her again but she grabbed his fist and moved it out of the way. She went to kick for his side and he used his arm to block it and push it out of the way. The two were focused on each other and continued on with these attacks, constantly throwing punches and kicks only for them to be blocked. Their attacks were fast and Raimu almost couldn't keep up with them.

"Aw man!" Goku whined, making his son look at him. "Now I really wish I could fight first!"

"I don't think that's a concern..." Raimu managed to make his hair look decent. "Vegeta looks like he'll be done with this fast...and I can't even see their attacks!"

"That looks like so much fun! I should've been lucky!"

"Yeah...I just hope he doesn't go too far..." He accidently clenched his fists, noticing a few seconds after. 'I want to finish Lych myself.'

Vegeta glared towards them and snapped, "Be quiet and just watch!"

Just as he said that, he was kicked in the stomach by Lych. He hit the ground but jumped back up to his feet right as she shot several chi blasts towards him. Most of them were knocked back, some going at Raimu and Goku, Goku knocking them away while Raimu made sure to duck down.

Lych cracked her neck and went to shoot a much larger chi blast only to see how he was gone. He suddenly appeared in front of her and swung his fist, Lych quickly moving her head out of the way. She fell into his trap, getting punched by his other fist. The pain of it didn't bother her but it was there and she grabbed his wrist, slamming him to the ground.

He stayed there for a second only to jump back up. She attempted to kick his ankles but he jumped over it and kicked her in the face. Right after, he didn't hesitate kicking at her side as she slammed into one of the buildings. The debris was about to fall onto her but she put up her arm, doing a large chi blast that disintegrated it all in a flash. She brushed off her outfit and flew back towards him, getting ready to attack again.

Once she punched him in the face, she took the time to grab his arm and throw him to the side. He used his flying to stop himself but had to use his arms to block several chi blasts coming his way from her.

All of the smoke from it surrounded him and hid him for a second. When it did clear, some of his suit was ripped up but he seemed fine.

Lych wiped her face with the back of her hand. "You're really stubborn...maybe even more than the other one over there."

"Yeah." Vegeta took a deep breath and clenched his fists. "So I'll show you how stubborn I really am."

His chi suddenly began to rise, confusing Lych as she watched him. The ground was slightly shaking and cracking from the sudden rise in power. She made sure she kept her guard up but it was clear she was getting more shocked with how high his chi was going.

After a loud yell, his chi was sent towards Lych and it almost knocked her back fully. A bunch of smoke was now surrounding him but he stepped out of it. His golden hair was shining and his chi color then matched it.

"What the..." Lych muttered under her breath when seeing him. "You..."

"What's wrong?" Vegeta smirked at her and could tell how she felt through her expression. "Are you scared now?"

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