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You hummed to yourself, although your voice was shaky. You were trying your absolute hardest to stay calm, collected. It was getting harder and harder to not stress, as you didn't know where your lover was, let alone when he'll come back. As someone who didn't work at the Agency, instead at the cafe below, you weren't allowed classified information. All you were told is that Dazai is missing.

Your work began to slip because of your paranoia. Customers started getting the wrong orders, and would be unhappy with the amount of sugar in their coffee, or how their food came unseasoned. Multiple regulars would ask if you were alright, noticing how your hands were a bit shaky any time you came by to refill their water or coffee, and as much as you wanted to say the opposite, you had no choice but to say "I'm fine."

You rarely had Lucy, really the only one who could keep you sane, to help you. She was also in on the mission of helping the Agency. She didn't give many details, only that she "worked as a safe space." You sighed, pouring creamer into a customer's coffee. You came back to him with a large smile.

"Here you are, sir! Do you need anything else?" you asked sweetly, almost robotically because of the amount of times you've said that phrase.

"I'm alright, thank you," he said, his thick mustache moving with his mouth.

"Wonderful! I'll be back soon enough to check up on you!" The man nodded, smiling.

As soon as you were back in the kitchen, you immediately dropped the act. Your frown was so strong it hurt. Everything hurt. Your heart, your legs, your arms, your face. Today was one of the special days Lucy was at work with you.

"What's going on?" she asked. You sighed, your posture horrible. "It's not morning sickness, is it? Or are you scared about Dazai's reaction to the news?" You shook your head.

"No, no...I'm just a bit stressed," you explained. "Maybe a little hungry?" you asked yourself. It was clearly an excuse to dismiss your fear.

You didn't want to be a single mother.

Lucy frowned. "Let's get you some food. Crepes?" she offered. You nodded. You've always been wanting crepes, only the ones that are made here. Lucy got to work, as you noticed other waiters and waitresses left to see to the oddly busy restaurant. You went to sit at a table behind the counter.

Before you knew it, Lucy came back with the food you requested. "I don't get why you don't take maternity leave," she said. You laughed pitifully, grabbing a fork and cutting the crepe, taking a bite. It was sweet, delicious.

"It's unpaid. Gotta pay the bills somehow," you explained. Lucy shook her head, a look on her face that showed you pity. You smiled back, trying to make her worry less.

"I'm sorry," she said. "That's ridiculous."

"It's fine..." you trailed off. "I'll manage."

"It's not 'fine'! Should I get someone to help you?" she asked. You put your fork down, aggressively shaking your hands.

"It's okay, really! I'm sure Dazai will be back soon enough, and we can get everything back on track," you said, trying to reassure yourself more than Lucy.

"About that..." she started. "I think I can tell you this information." You felt dread overwhelm you hearing your friend's tone. "Y/N...he's in Meursault." Your face went pale.

"He's- he's in Meursault?" You repeated her words. You felt tears come to your eyes. You knew he used to be in the Port, but he never specified his crimes. Why would he? It's in the past. He always told you to "focus on the present."

But it's very hard to focus right now.

You felt sick to your stomach, putting a hand to your mouth, the dish made for you completely forgotten. You ran cold, thinking of what he did, what his sentence exactly is. Your eyes moved to look everywhere. You could barely handle this situation.

"I'm sorry...I didn't want to put that pressure on you when you already have so much stress," Lucy explained. "He'll get out of there one way or another. Promise." She took a seat next to you. You nodded your head, making eye contact.

"Yeah," you said, quivering and shifting in your seat. Lucy gave you a smile.

"You better finish those crepes I put so much work into!" Your voice cracked as you laughed, and you picked up your fork again. "It'll be okay."

Besides Dazai, only someone like Lucy could raise your spirits like this.


You laid on your couch, scrolling through shows on the TV. You decided to take a well-deserved day off after what you've been informed of. You had a headache because of it, your mind becoming more and more cloudy. All of the distress left you exhausted, and after enough scrolling through shows, you put down the remote. You closed your heavy eyes, and immediately you fell asleep.


"Wake up, sleepyhead."

You heard those words slightly, yet they were muffled. You shifted, slowly opening your eyes. Your vision blurry, and your mind was foggy. Sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you saw the man who you loved.


You only stared in shock, before breaking down in tears. He gave you a pitiful smile.

"Guess you got told the news," he guessed. You nodded, constantly wiping your eyes, uncontrollable waterfalls coming down your cheeks. Your nose was runny.

"I...I'm..." your sobbing left you unable to form basic sentences. You only looked at him, gasping for breath, hyperventilating.

"Calm down," he said, crouching down to your level. It took a long time, but you did. Dazai held up an object, something you couldn't see well because of your hazy mind. After your eyes focused, you saw the positive pregnancy test. You felt your heartbeat stop. You left it on the counter as a surprise. "Looks like you have news for me." You nodded your head.

"Are you angry?" you asked uneasily. Dazai laughed.

"Are you kidding? Of course I'm not!" he exclaimed.

"Oh thank God," you sighed, weight being lifted off of your shoulders. You opened your arms for a hug, which Dazai gladly reciprocated.

The rest of the night was filled with celebration. The world was saved, your love is safe, and to top it all off,

you're going to have a family.

Dazai x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now