Less Than Human.

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A call. A simple phone call.

A simple, short phone call, late at night, led Dazai to an address that claimed there was a figure walking around for nights now. He started to wonder just why he chose to answer this request. Of course, he had to, it was an assignment and left panic in the area.

But what compelled him to go alone, especially at such a late hour?

Dazai, knowing there was no need to hurry, chose to enjoy the walk to the neighborhood, hands in the pockets of his trench coat, as usual. It wasn't until he was halfway to his destination when he heard a consistent clicking sound.

Cocking a brow, he looked over to where the noise was coming from. It was near a fence in the grass, an open field surrounded by trees. When he looked, he saw a person leaning up against a tree.

You. He saw you.

You had a face of frustration, also being the source of the clicking sound. You were trying to light a cigarette in your mouth over and over again, only for the flame to go out because of the wind. You were strangely mysterious in a way, but not malicious. You were dressed almost formally, sharp. You looked up hearing his footsteps, and waved your arm to catch the man's attention.

"Hey! Could you give me a hand?" you asked the stranger, cigarette still in your mouth. He chuckled, nodded, walked forward toward you, and held his hand in a way that prevented the wind from blowing out the fire coming from the lighter. You smiled as you exhaled, smoke leaving your mouth. "Thanks. Stupid wind..." you trailed off.

"Any time. What are you doing here so late at night?" he asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," you replied.


You laughed. "Really, though. I'm on my way to meet some people. They owe me money, lots of it." Dazai widened his eyes in interest.

"That sounds..interesting. I'm out here looking for trouble. I work for an agency, and I was called to help resolve a situation," he said.

"Where you headed?" you asked. Dazai pointed toward his destination.

"The neighborhood over there," he said.

"What would you know? I'm headed in that direction too! We should walk together," you offered, dropping your cigarette and stepping on it to put it out.

"Gladly," Dazai said, with his usual charm. The two of you walked with a comfortable silence for a while. In maybe fifteen minutes, it was time for you to stray away to your destination. You sighed and stopped with a pout. "Do you have to go?" he asked.

"I guess so," you started. "But, you wouldn't leave a young lady to fend for herself in the dark, would you?" You wrung your fingers, giving him puppy eyes. "You're wonderful company." Dazai sighed with a chuckle.

"How could I refuse? I'm not in a rush. The town can wait a bit longer."

You smiled gleefully, as you beckoned him over to where you had to go.

"So, why do these people owe you a lot of money?"

"It's a very long story," you said. "I just know I'd get killed if I didn't get it back. Family, am I right?"

"Yeah.." Dazai trailed off, his gut telling him something wasn't right.

"Don't worry, it won't take much longer til we get there." You looked down at your watch. "Maybe five more minutes."

Dazai noticed that your clock wasn't correct at all. The time was at least two hours earlier than the actual time. He chose not to bring it up, even with his suspicions. He was starting to wonder more about you.

Why were you out so late at night, well dressed? It's not like there would be any formal event. The surroundings were rural.

Why is your watch wrong? You would've noticed by now.

What's with the strange aura you had?

Why were you so clingy to a man you only know on a first name basis?

He grazed your hand, a feeling you didn't notice. No special ability causing the feeling. Wait..

Were you the one causing the chaos?

Again, Dazai said nothing. Those five minutes did pass rather quickly. "We're here!"

In front of you both was a small shack. It looked old, and the wood looked like it would give you splinters if you even touched it. The paint was cracked, still peeling. The hinges on the door looked weak. It must've been deserted, abandoned for who knows how long.

"Hey, are you sure this is the right- huh?" Dazai turned to where you were to see...

Nothing. Nothing at all.

It was as if you had disappeared into thin air. He tilted his head in confusion, looking around. You were nowhere to be seen. That was until he heard a familiar clicking sound. He looked over to see you again, leaned up against an oak tree. Only this time, he could only gasp at the sight.

You were covered in blood, mutilated.

Your once beautiful and perfectly ironed dress was now turned to tatters, painted red by your blood, which came from every limb. Your left leg was twisted and broken, along with your right arm, which was somehow holding the lighter. You were missing an eye, red crimson flowing down your cheek, a small bit making it to your lips. Instead of slightly heeled shoes, you were barefoot. Your hair, once beautifully done, was now knotted and dirty.

But, you didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, you looked as if you were in no pain. You were irritated once again by the wind causing the fire from your lighter to go out, which prevented you from lighting your cigarette, instead of being in what must be excruciating pain, which you didn't seem even to notice. You still had your watch, which he could still read had the wrong time printed on it. Everything was coming together in his head.

You were dead. You were the one causing the chaos because of that strange aura he noticed. He went back to your words.

"I just know I'd get killed if I didn't get it back. Family, right?"

But it wasn't just a lighthearted joke.

"But why are you so attached to me?" Dazai thought. He put a finger to his chin in thought, then realized it.

You must be in a loop. A never ending loop that caused you to get the money you were ordered to get over and over again, with you always ending up getting brutally murdered.

You must've thought he would be your savior, to protect you from getting hurt, maybe even breaking the cycle.

Looking up, you waved your arm, close to being torn in half, to catch the man's attention.

"Hey, could you give me a hand?"

Dazai x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now