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Yandere! Dazai

"Let me go!" you spat, constantly struggling, but it was simply no use. The chains that bound you rattled, attached to your hands and neck. Your side hurt when you moved, but the adrenaline from wanting to get out made you ignore the pain. The man that captured you was in front of you, his hands in the pockets of his trench coat. He simply laughed and came closer, as if he were walking toward a pet. You leaned forward and hissed, baring fangs. The man stumbled back to his original position, taking his hands out of his pockets, as if to prove he wasn't a threat.

"Woah there, Belladonna! I'm not going to hurt you," he said. You furrowed your brows, not believing a word. You continued to fight against the restraints that held you down. The man crouched down to your level. "But, sadly, until you can behave, you're stuck here."

"You know I'm stronger than you," you said, looking straight into his eyes threateningly. He laughed again.

"That's rich, coming from a vampire who hasn't fed in over a year," he responded. You widened your eyes.

"How do you even know that?" you asked unsteadily, any confidence you had lost. You stopped struggling, letting yourself back down, scared into submission.

"That's better, Belladonna. Now that you're being a bit nice, I guess I can explain why and how you're even here," he said. "Let's just say that I've been watching you for a while. You're very interesting. Although, it does pain me seeing you starve yourself for a reason I just can't wrap my head around."

"No human deserves to die or get hurt by my hand."

"And why is that?" he asked, a cheeky smile on his face. He knew.

He knew damn well what your reason was.

"Who are you? How am I here? Why am I here?" You ignored his question, and instead responded with more questions. The man sighed.

"My name is Osamu Dazai. It's simple how you got here, really. A nice tranq gun, a car, and some strength."

Dazai mentioning a tranquilizer gun made you widen your eyes and take a minute to recognize the pain in your side. You looked down to see a hole in your clothing, a small bit of your blood staining the fabric. Touching it, you winced. You began to almost regret not hurting anyone, knowing that if you did, you'd be stronger, perhaps even able to break out of these chains that confined you. You'd be able to regenerate much faster.

You'd be out of this situation, maybe never even getting into it in the first place.

"Why am I here?" you asked again, demanding venom in your tone.

"What did I already say? You're interesting," Dazai explained. You cocked a brow in confusion, straightening your posture, sitting on your knees. "I want to keep you safe."

"I don't need your protection," you retorted.

"I meant safe from yourself. I can't let you live like you already do," Dazai said.

"Why would you even care? I'm an enemy to humans, you don't even know me!" you exclaimed, your face hurting from tightening it out of anger so much. Dazai shook his head.

"Of course I know you. I've been watching you longer than you think." Your blood ran cold at the thought. He was right. You could put the pieces together in your mind, remembering his statement about you not feeding for over a year out of guilty conscience.

He knew damn well at one point you went too far for your standards, accidentally killing a man. You haven't even touched anyone since that day, yet the guilt still remains.

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