+~How you guys met~+

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This is more based on if you were new in the digital circus and just joined.



-You accidently came into the digital circus about a few days after Pomni arrived

-You were wondering around the circus looking for things to do when you accidently bumped into Pomni, who was also just minding her business

-I don't know what happened but you guys just *clicked*

-It started out as a general conversation, but then you actually liked hanging out with her

-It starts out as friends, but could it turn into something more  ,':)


-After you arrived at the circus, for some reason you didn't mind Caine that much

-Just a silly liitle guy :P

-He was the first character you met when you arrived at the digital circus

-Whilst Caine was touring you around the circus, you couldn't help but notice that he kept putting his hand on your shoulder, to then you weirdly blushed at

-He always seemed to want to hang out with you in some way, shape or form

-He seemed more interested in you than the others, but you didn't mind ,':)


-You were told at first to try and stay away from Jax as he can get a bit mischivious

-So when you had your first conversaiton with him, you were concerned that he was going to do something to you that you wouldn't like

-He didn't seem to care when you first arrived, he kinda was just like, "Ah a new character, another new mouth to feed and deal with"

-After a while though, he wanted to play perhaps some pranks on you

-BUT, he needed to get to know you a bit more ,':)

-So one day, whilst you were hanging out with Pomni, he asked to have a private chat with you~

-When you guys were just sitting and chatting, for some reason he enjoyed your vibe and started to like hanging out with you

-Pranks still DID happen, but they weren't as bad as previous ones he has done to others


-SUCH a mother vibe

-You guys met sort of like how Pomni and Ragatha first meet

-You were at first freaked out about being in a new environment and with strangers, but Ragatha was the first to help you out

-She would tour you around the circus instead of Caine, even though he insisted as it's sort of his job

-Ragatha was the first one you meet and you just LOVED the energy she gave out and with how kind she was towards you

-You guys would always hang out, like you would be INSEPARABLE, Caine or Jax for some reason would sometimes try to get you to hang out with at least someone else that wasn't Ragatha


-You were going through the hall of bedrooms and randomly decided to go into Gangle's one

-You didn't realize at first that it was hers til you went inside and found her drawing

-You didn't mean to walk into her bedroom but after a bit of a shock, she was fine with it and shyly asked for you to stay with her

-You guys didn't do much other than draw and colour together whilst learning about each other

-Whilst you guys were doing that, Jax randomly went into the room and decided to be a menace and break Gangle's comady mask, once again...

-Poor Gangle started crying

-You got really upset at Jax and ended up punching him in the face, which he then left the room

-You offered to help Gangle fix her mask, in which after that you guys became close friends


-You randomly came across Kinger's pillow fortress and decided to go in it

-Little did you know you awoke a scared Kinger, who literally screamed when you came in

-You didn't mean to scare him :( The poor fellow

-After some mishaps he eventually calmed down and got used to you

-He would tell you all about Queenie and how long he has been in the digital circus, y'know, conversations like that

-He felt a sort of giddy when being around you and you two to always hang out in the 'impenetrable' pillow fortress


-You one day randomly had the gut to actually meet everyone, so you went up to Zooble sometime

-They seemed pretty chill towards, in other words, didn't really care much about a newbie

-Whilst learning more about Zooble, they decided to randomly to detach their head

-At first you freaked out, but it took a good few minutes for Zooble to try and calm you down

-Eventually Zooble had to explain how they have detachable parts

-Zooble was sort of worried that you would think it was weird, but was surprised to find out you actually thought it was cool and wished you were able to do that too

-It was a surprisingly a good but interesting conversation that started some sort of relationship

Bubble~(Why did I choose to do this character)

-You two first met when you first met Caine as Bubble was just with Caine at the time

-You thought a talking bubble was weird at first, but you overlooked it eventually

-You just thought Bubble was a menace to society, but enjoyed it as you thought it was funny

-I have nothing else to say about this chomper guy ;-;

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