+~If they got you pregnant~+

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My my


-Definitely completely shocked, literally would just stand there like a statue
-Be very awkward around you
-Would care for you lots, but still be weirded out a bit
-Doesn't mind about having a child
-Has to rely on Ragtha giving her parenting advice
-Would constantly have mental breakdowns about being a parent
-As well as your health and safety
-Always check up on you and give you cuddles and tubs of ice cream (she'd get them from Caine somehow)
-This girl would be attached to you like super glue

-I'm gonna say it now, SUCH A FATHER FIGURE
-Would be very thrilled to finally be a father, especially with you ,':)
-Never leaves you alone
-Try to get information on how to be a good parent
-Be so happy but also so dang nervous
-Gets a bit overprective with you and forces you stay in bed all day with warm blankets and pillows
-Tries to give you 'kisses' all the time
-Gives you anything you want or ask for
-Baby proofs everything ;-;

-Isn't too keen to have a child, but should get used to it eventually
-Gives you a lot of attention
-Still plays pranks and mocks you, but in a 'loving' way
-Likes to focus on you more in private or at night
-Sometimes he would lay his head on your pregnant stomach and fall asleep
-Forces Caine to give you whatever you desire
-Would make an impressing father ngl
-He'd try to act like everything's okay, when really it isn't

-She'd be soo happy
-Always look out for you, especially when Jax is around
-Force you to take it easy and accidently acts a little dramatic at times
-Brings you food and drink when you need it
-Lots of snuggles :>
-Constantly check up on you, make sure your nice and comfy
-Only allows Pomni and Gangle near you (occasionally Caine for reasons)
-VERY overprotective
-Would murder anyone if they got too close to you or make fun of you

-She'd be terrified
-Scared for your health and confused on how you got pregnant with hers
-Tries to constantly keep you away from people like Jax and Caine
-Draw inspirations on what the baby would look like
-Stay with you all the time
-Tries to bring you anything you want
-Loving gives you smooches on the face, neck and stomach
-Is very scared if one day you weren't checked on and had the baby without her by your side
-Loves being by your side all the time

-Would always scream and shout when he found out your pregnant with his child
-Force you to stay in his pillow fortress
-Counts the days on a calendar, preparing for the delivery
-Constantly scared for being a father
-Surprisingly, he'd be a great at it
-Try to make sure everything is baby proofed well
-Always shout at others for the stress he gets ;-;
-Get hopeful advice from Ragatha, Gangle and Caine
-Focus all his attention on you all the time

-Hates children. A lot.
-Doesn't mind having a child with you, despite all the stress they would have to deal with
-Look after you all the time
-Check up on you every now and then
-Isn't really too fussed over you, but that doesn't mean that they don't love you
-Gets Gangle to do art ideas on what the baby would look like
-Likes to lay with you and rest a hand in your stomach for comfort
-Doesn't like showing the affection with others around
-Would not go crazy about the baby and try to prepare for it and cause a scene
-Isn't looking forward to that one day..

-Tries to eat the baby
(Nah let's be real for once)
-Gives you too much attention for your liking
-Would lick your stomach when he could ;-;
-Makes Caine try to look after you
-Just lovingly stares at you and waits for the day
-Give you the FLUFFIEST blankets

-Would be happy but also terrified at the same time
-Try to ignore Jax's harsh words about Kaufmo getting you pregnant
-Gives you lots of comforting words and hugs and face kisses
-Will go ballistic if anyone tried to make fun of you of being pregnant
-Whenever you aren't around, he has mental panic attacks about being a father
-However acts all fine and natural when you are around
-Gives you the softest pillows and blankets for you to rest up
-Brings you nice beverages when you need it

Well that's it folks.


Oh you want to know what gender your child would be with them!?
Ohhhh why didn't you say so..

((For funsies))

Pomni-A girl
Caine-A Boy
Jax-Twins! A boy and a girl
Ragatha-A girl
Gangle-A girl
Kinger-A girl
Zooble-A boy
Bubble-A boy?
Kaufmo-A boy

(Jax is gonna be thrilled to have twins)

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