💗+~Valentines Day special~+💗

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What they would do with/for you on valentines Day

Happy valentines day everybody!!

-Spend the whole day with you, not with anyone else
-You'd wake up to a burnt breakfast (it's confirmed she's the worst cook) The poor girl tried so you still ate it anyways
-She'd give you the prettiest pink roses (that Caine made up)
-Be extra flirty with you at private times
-Give you the biggest snuggles whenever possible
-Pomni would request to Caine to make the best and prettiest park for you two to hangout
-At the end of the day, Pomni would fall asleep at the park and you'd take her to your bedroom to do fun things~

-He would ask you out on a date immediately
-Take you to the BEST restaurant he could generate
-Be very excited and cherise the moments with you all day
-Would never leave your side, and get jealous if anyone else was around with you
-Lots of kisses
-And even pushing against walls~
-First thing in the morning you would be jumped on by him of how excited he would be to spend the day with you
-Give you anything you desire (flowers and chocolates)
-Get upset if the slightest thing went wrong
-At the end of the day, he'd give you the biggest hugs in bed

-Oddly, he'd wake you up nicely
-Be embarrassed about giving you gifts
-Make you cause chaos and dangerous activity for others
-As long as you two were spending time together
-You couldn't leave him alone as it was such a special day :3
-Jax would try to get you and him to have 'bondage' legit in the middle of the day ;-;
-Extra flirty
-Had to get advice from Ragatha about making it a special day for you
-You'd get pranked on slightly less, but Jax didn't stop being Jax just cos it's valentines day

-Give you the most PERFECT waking up and breakfast
-Always wants to hold your hand
-Spend the whole day with you no matter what
-She would force Caine to make the perfect place for you two to hangout (poor Caine :,))
-Get very protective over you for the slightest things
-Whenever were felt down, she'd immediately do anything make your time better with her
-Definitely gives you a big bundle of red roses
-Lots of kisses would happen from her

-She'd be very shy about the day, but it had to be perfect for you
-Try to act all perfect with you
-Inside of roses or chocolates, Gangle would give you a drawing of yourself
-Wouldn't want to do much to be honest
-She'd just spend the day with you in her room
-Frequent hugs ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
-You'd spend the day with her drawing and watching anime basically

-Constantly worry about anything that could muck up the perfect day
-Give you a big box of chocolates
-Despite loving you so much, he wouldn't stop mentioning Queenie when she was his valentine
-You guys would spend majority of the day in Kinger's pillow fortress
-He would tell you cringy romance stories
-He'd do nothing but hug you the whole day (and maybe sleep, the poor guy ;-;)
-As much as you guys just spent most of the day relaxing in his pillow fortress, you still thought it was a great valentines day

-As much as they hate valentines day, they still celebrated it with you
-You guys would just run around causing chaos to people (Caine and Jax) and just have fun
-They'd give you a heart necklace and bracelet for the valentines gift (you gave them spare parts that had heart shaped patterns :,))
-It didn't feel much like valentines day, just an ordinary fun and happy day, and that's what Zooble was aiming for

-Oh my...
-He'd just annoy the crap out of you, he's just trying his best to make you happy
-Try to lick your face and cheer you up
-Bubble was gonna give you chocolates, but he ended up eating them ;-;
-Constantly follow you around the whole day

-He would literally sell his soul to make you happy on this very special day
-Make you the greatest breakfast and dinner
-Always scared the day would go bad or if you abstracted on valentines Day
-Never leave you alone
-Lots of snuggles and light face kisses
-This man WILL get clingy and defensive

I'm sorry if I slacked on the writing this time, I'm tired...
Besides I never usually celebrate valentines day (Cos I don't have anyone to spend it with)

I WAS gonna have someone special to spend the day with, until a few weeks ago they broke up with me ;-;


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