+~If they accidentally walked in on you dressing~+

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*Casually writing at 2am when I should be sleeping*

Good stuff🤠🤌

This one was requested btw

-Wouldn't fully realize your in the middle of getting dressed as she would've walked into the room looking at the floor
-Once she looked up and saw you, instant full face of blush and panic mode kicking in
-Trying her damn best time close the door as soon as possible
-Due to her luck, the door would fail on her multiple times, meaning she's had a good look at you for a while 0_0
-After that day, she wouldn't stop apologizing and blushing everytime she saw you
-Secretly, she liked the way you looked ',:) (Kinda wishing she didn't leave) 😭

-He would stare for a good few seconds (possibly for a minute or two)
-Only then realizing he was looking at you half naked and started panicking and stuttering his words
-Quickly then closing the door and leaving
-As much as he sort of enjoyed the view, he would complain about not being age appropriate
-Him seeing you next, he would muck up his words often
-Caine wouldn't be able to look at you normally after that encounter
-If we are gonna be real here, he may or may not have gotten turned on😭

-Would start laughing at you as soon as he saw your half-naked body
-Don't worry he may be laughing and being annoying on the outside, but on the inside he's dying from the sight (you pick if it's good or bad🤭)
-Blushes like crazy, his face would be a tomato not kidding
-He'd be there for a good 5 minutes til he'd grow bored and leave (with the door open as well)
-OR you would've pushed him out the room from embarrassment and him being a jerk
-Another guy to possibly get turned on from the sight (depending on his mood)

-A quick reaction of embarrassment and panic
-Would instantly close the door and try to act normal for the rest of the day
-Would constantly blush and be nervous for a good while
-Jax would try to tease her and get Ragatha to tell him what's up (that didn't go well with her though)
-So many sorry's would occur whenever she would see you again
-After that, she would just try to act normal but obviously doesn't hide it well
-However, would never stop staring at you lovingly at times whilst being a blushing mess

-Would stare at you for sometime
-If she was wearing her happy mask, it would've definitely fallen off her face and smashed :(
-Poor girl was sort of traumatized as she doesn't usually see people basically naked in front of her
-Wouldn't even be able to come into contact with you after the incident
-She's too embarrassed and scared that you would get mad at her (poor thing :(()
-She would shyly talk to people like Zooble and Ragatha about it as she didn't know what to do
-In the end she'd just try to confront you and become friends again without it being so awkward

-Stare at you for a long time
-He wouldn't move at all
-After a good while the moment of realization would hit him
-Screaming would occur for your poor ears
-You would need to push him out the door as he was so petrified (The poor fellow)
-Seeing him again afterwards would be so dang awkward
-He wouldn't be able to look at you
-Kinger needs a few days or weeks to recover
-Eventually he would recover and be mostly okay, but the memory would bug around in his head
-Whenever he would remember, different shades of pink would appear on his face
-Depending on the mood he's in at the time, he would either like the moment or hate it

-Not too much of a reaction
-Mainly a surprised glare and slight blushing
-If they were in a 'certain' mood, they would stay slightly longer staring at you up and down , ':)
-The moment didn't really hit them as hard as some of the other characters if they were in their situation
-Basically would act normal after, even though having some slight embarrassment
-Sometimes they would look at your body weirdly when you wouldn't be looking

-He would do many weird things
-Like leave the door open and leg it for anyone to see (until you close it yourself of course)
-He wouldn't be very phased by it, even if it was slightly off
-Possibly even try to lick your body 😭

-Would immediately apologize and quickly shut the door
-Trying to continue his day the memory of walking in on you dressing would maybe set something off....
-Everytime he'd see you after the incident, be prepared for the apologizes of a life time


So enjoy, I sorta rushed it but oh well (눈‸눈)

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