+~If you unabstracted~+

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Y'all are loving the story too much, so chapters shall come your way as a reward 👹

((Stay til the end to read up on what's been happening with myself))
-Caine originally found your unabstracted body in the cellar and took you out
-Immediately, you would head to Pomni's room, surprising her
-As soon as she sees you, she goes speechless and brings you into a tight hug, not letting go
-Basically, never letting you go for the next few weeks
-She'd be so clingy
-Like a toddler grabbing at your leg when trying to walk around
-Acts like a loving cat around you more

-Would first hear your screams from the basement
-Confused, he'd check the basement and see your unabstracted and panicked body, immediately beaming and taking you out right away
-It'd take him a few to fully process that you were back and still the same (like bro would bluescreen, like he did in the pilot)
-After a while, he would not really let you hang out with anyone other then himself
-Like Pomni, clingy af-
-Maybe even let you off some adventures if you really wanted
-But when it came to adventures, he'd make them less chaotic, just for a few weeks

-He'd find you wondering around the circus alone
-Confused, he'd rub his eyes and try to convince himself that he's hallucinating (DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS- I'm sorry😭)
-Walking up to you, you'd immediately hug him and to his surprise, your back...
-Hugging back slowly, he'd poke and prod you, just to be sure
-As no one else knew you were back, he'd hide you in his room
-Try to act natural about you being back, but internally he's screaming
-Awkward hugs as he's not fully used to it

-As soon as she sees you, motherly instincts kick in immediately
-Lots of hugs and kisses
-Even when you want alone time, she'd be by your side
-Originally found out you came back when Caine fetched you from the basement and made an announcement
-Whether or not you're a hallucination, she wouldn't care and stay attached to you
-You thought Ragatha couldn't get more overprotective, welp your wrong
-This woman is ONTO you about anything

-First find you in her room, resting in her bed and waiting
-Unable to process correctly, she'd start breaking down and crying from all the emotions
-Fear? Happiness? Relief? Who knows? Shes just glad your back
-Always wants to spend time with you
-She'd even give you one of her comedy masks to keep and look after (now that's special)
-If her comedy mask got broken, Gangle would quickly try to get a new one on
-She doesn't want you to see her sad, in case you'd abstract again
-Poor girl is scared of you making any sort of emotions

-Bro doesn't realize your back
-He'd just stare at you, and occasionally scream
-Eventually, he'd process you being actually there
-Would playfully force you to stay in his pillow fortress
-Lots of huggles and pecks~
-He will NOT let you go
-If you manage to escape him to go and explore, somehow one of his hands would be still attached to your body (It's weird, I know😭)
-It just a makes it easier for him to find you

-Tries not to react too much to your return, but inside they are emotionally having a break down
-More frequent side hugs
-Whenever you guys are alone, they like to hug you from behind and nuzzle into you
-When it comes to others being around, tries to act all chill about it
-They try their best to make sure you don't abstract
-Whether that's entertaining you, showing more affection or just having a casual chit-chat
-Surprisingly, they'd make great tea or hot drinks for you whenever your in distress
-Sometimes worries about you abstracting again and tries not to think about it
-If they can't, then Zooble will try to find you or just hold your hand in secret

-Will not react much
-Just loiter around you more often then usual
-When he senses your getting the negative emotions, Bubble will lick you as gently as possible for comfort
-Maybe be more annoying then usual, he doesn't mean it half the time though-

-Definitely pass out from hearing that you're back
-After a while, he'd be awake and alright, never letting you go
-Maybe act slightly yandere, but it's for a good reason
-Constantly has dreams about you abstracting again, making him stress and sweat in his sleep
-So after a while, he'd use you as a plush doll for sleeping
-Lots of right hugs
-More bad jokes will be told, he's trying his best so deal with it


-Being an NPC (that clearly has awareness) he's kinda clueless on this whole 'abstraction thing'
-After you explain to him what it is, he gets a bit overprotective, but tries to keep a boundary
-Keeps you close to him a lot, especially when people like Caine and Jax are around (he doesn't trust them at all)
-Sometimes if anyone mentions anything related to abstraction, he'd snap at them

Princess Loo~
-Same with Gummigoo, you would have to explain to her what abstraction is
-She'd act all motherly and try to keep you safe in her candy castle
-She will literally put a lock in your own room if needed to
-But seriously, she just more worries about you and your emotions
-Every night, she'd invite you to sleep with her as she worries that you'll abstract whilst she's asleep
-Doesn't really let you out of the castle grounds for a while

Welp, there you go-
Apologies if it's not as detailed as previous chapters, my writing has been a bit sloppy lately.

Anyways, recently I've taken a break from a lot of my social media's (tiktok, YouTube, discord, Snapchat, deviantart, etc), due to my insanity and mental health literally DROPPING a lot.
Well don't worry, y'all are very lucky for tadc to be a huge hyperfixion in my life, cos I'll now try to focus on this book more and post more chapters for you guys to enjoy.
I've got a list of ideas, and even a list of requests you guys have been sending me. I appreciate it, really❤

Anyways, I wanna hear your thoughts on the new episode, cos for me...HOLY CRAP IT'S AWESOME
😭Kill me though cos everyone is hating on Jax and especially Caine.
Recently, I've growen to like Jax as a character (I'm a Caine simp-calm down) and it deeply hurts me that Caine and Jax are hated for just being them-
I love Gummigoo, but jeez, the community needs to chill. Gooseworx confirmed he's coming back, I mean, HE HAS A WHOLE ASS FLIPPING PLUSHIE!


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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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