+~How they would show affection~+

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-Would try to hold you're hand all the time

-Whenever you were free she would not hesitate to hug you

-The hugs would usually last around 5-10 minutes

-Small kisses around the face :>

-Would just love to spend time with you


-This guy wil get VERY protective of you

-Whenever the others weren't looking, he would try to hug you from behind

-Kisses around the body whenever possible (idk how this man would kiss you so nuzzling I guess, or licking ;-;)

-Sometimes if he was in a 'certain' mood, he would push you up against a wall lovingly~

-He would sometimes let you request adventures for everyone to do

-Compliments all the way


-He would be sort of embarressed to show public affection or any of that kind of stuff

-He would still tease and prank you, but not in a mean way

-Would try to rizz you up whenever possible

-Sometimes he would wait outside your bedroom door, with a rose in hand :3

-Kissing would only happen when you guys were alone

-He liked to make you blush, so he would do anything to embarress you lovingly

-Things like dragging you to sit on his lap, or randomly grab your waist, stuffs like that


-Wouldn't hesitate to give you the biggest hugs known to man

-Every morning she would nicely wake you up, whether it would be a kiss on the forehead or hop in bed with you

-She would try to hide any public affection (wouldn't show much affection in public)

-Not much crazy things would happen

-Just more motherly-like love

-Is VERY protective over you


-She would still be a bit shy around you, but more comfortable with you than anyone else

-Would always draw pictures of you

-Somehow she has a body pillow of you~

-Hugs would still happen, just not as often

-You would need to protect her at all times from Jax, poor girl :<

-Kisses around the face would happen sometimes, only when she's in a good mood

-So much comfort :3


-Sometimes you would wake up to him being in your bed

-You guys would always hangout in the pillow fortress

-He would somtimes call you Queenie by accident ;-; (He would apologize don't worry)

-Lots of loving stares

-He would constantly hug you whenever, where ever

-Lots of small kisses around your body, even if people were watching


-They wouldn't show much public affection, nor much private affection

-Zooble would sometimes give you small side hugs if they felt like it

-Kisses would still happen, ONLY if they were in the mood (which isn't too often)

-Would compliment you a lot, especially during adventures

-Wouldn't hesitate to hangout with you a lot

-Not much of a 'loving' person, just more compliments and side hug


-Bubble would just try to be by your side a lot

-Would try to lick you a lot ;-;

-Sometimes he would nuzzle into your body, it's a way of hugging because he has no arms

-Little nibbles would happen around your body, mainly head and arms


And there we have it folks :3


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