+~How they would react if you fell asleep on their shoulder~+

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I have no plans or set times on when I post, so just deal with it.



-At first she would be shocked, but eventully would calm down

-As much as she doesn't like being touched, you had an exception

-Try to move without waking you up

-Though she would fail, so she'd get someone like Ragatha or Caine to get you guys a blanket

-Just end up sleeping along with you

-Her head would be on top of yours, resting :)

-You guys would be asleep for a good few hours

-Until Caine would wake you two up for an adventure


-He would be scared of waking you up

-Give you head pats as you sleep

-There's two ways this could go:

-He'd sort of nicely wake you up as he kinda needed his body


-He would carefully carry you bridal style and teleport you two to your room

-He'd tuck you in and let you sleep

-Maybe he'll even hop in bed with you and give you lots of cuddles :P

-I would imagine he doesn't really sleep

-So he would cuddle and stare at you lovingly whilst you sleep in his arms

-Take your pick


-He couldn't care less

-Just stare at you blushing madly

-It was kind of embarressing to him

-After about 10 minutes of sitting there with you, he would be done

-He would try to wake you up by shoving you off his shoulder

-This most definitely woke you up, annoyed

-He'd start laughing at you like crazy

-But let's be honest, he'd sort of liked it


-She would absolutely not move one bit to let you sleep

-Even if she was in an awkward position, she wanted you to get some relaxing sleep

-She'd find it sort of embarressing, but would shake it off and just blush

-Lovingly just watch you peacefully sleep

-Maybe even join in with you, but add some nice head kisses and sweet cuddles


-She really doesn't have shoulders for you too rest on, so I guess her lap instead

-For some reason, she'd start crying because of how cute you looked sleeping

-Lots of blushing

-As much as she loved it, she felt really uncomfortable with it

-And was worried Jax might come across you too

-So she needed to wake you up as nicely as possible


-Again no shoulders, so just leaning on him I guess :P

-He didn't realize you were sleeping so he's start screaming at first

-Which of course you'd wake you up to his screams

-Poor guy would start apoligising

-And he'd let you go back to sleep leaning on him

-He'd just sit there staring at you trying not to scream again

-Blush like crazy


-Another one to not care so much

-Would be embarressed and try to fight the urge to get you off of their shoulder

-Fighting the urge, they'd let you stay there

-Zooble would swing one arm around you, giving you a side hug

-As much as it sort of annoyed them, Zooble would secretly sort of like it

-It wouldn't last too long though, Zooble has other stuff to be doing

-Though they would try to wake you up as nicely as possible

-Which would just be shaking you


-No shoulders, so you would just sleep on top of him

-If Bubble didn't pop when you started sleeping, then he would just float there blinking

-Eventually he would start to lightly bite at your body

-This would wake you up, annoyed at him


And there we have it, folks! :P

Lemme know if I should start adding Kaufmo, because that might be interesting.


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