+~For you, and only for you~+ Pomni x !Yandere! Reader

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This is a request from, well someone. They know who they are ,':)
This was requested oddly very specifically, so apologizes if things don't make sense or seem VERY dark.

((I may or may not get into this story a bit too much😀🔫))

Somewhat sensitive or offensive content and language will/may be used in this story, so if you don't like that stuff, then you're free to skip this chapter

Y/n P.O.V
I woke up to the feeling of my warm and cozy bed sheets be thrown off of my body. My arms and legs suddenly longing for warmth, but sadly I didn't get that. Instead I got a random smack to the face, which triggered me to wake up fully and open my eyes properly.
I jerked my body up, trying to process what just happened. Confused out of my mind, I then heard an annoying yet familiar laughter. I turned my head to see Jax standing there laughing his ugly face off.
Grumpy as ever, I got off my bed and walked up to him and slapped him so hard, that I knew it was gonna leave a mark. Jax had stopped laughing, holding his face where I had hit him and looked down at me with a confuzzled face.
"Y/n, why did you do that?! It was so uncalled for," yelled Jax, looking like he was going to cry. I just looked up at him with a 'seriously' face.
"Why did you have to wake me up so aggressively?!!" I shouted back at him.
Jax just stood there with a blank stare and said:
"I don't know I thought it would've been funny. Anyways Caine wants everyone up and out for an adventure."
Suddenly ending the conversation abruptly, Jax causally walked out of my room with a smug face. I just sighed, rolled my eyes and grabbed my kitsune, bunny-like mask and place it on my head.
I start running out of my room so I don't hold up the others, only to get smacked in the face by what feels like whipped cream. Stopping in my path so confused I see Jax running away from the corner of my eye.
"That damn hairball," I muttered under my breath, trying to wipe cream off of my outfit.

Finally meeting up with the others by the stage and getting off the last bits of whipped cream, I see Caine talking to everyone about a new adventure.


As I was listening to Caine chatter along, I couldn't help but look at Pomni, who was standing by Kinger and Ragatha. She was staring at Caine, listening and admiring what he was saying. She looks so dang cute, I just wanna hug her and squeeze the life out of her.

I need her..

Not paying attention for the life of me, out of nowhere Caine poofs into nothing but smoke and everyone seems to scatter and team up in pairs. I look around confused until I see Pomni coming my way, smiling.
"Hey Y/n, you wanna be partners?" asked Pomni, her beautiful eyes gleaming at mine.
Clueless with what was going on, I just nodded with approval, hoping she would tell me what to do with this stupid adventure.
"Great, let's get going then" Pomni grabbed my hand, causing me to blush madly, and we were on our way to do whatever we were signed up for.


I was walking down the hallway of bedrooms, tired out from the adventure and trying to keep up with Pomni. Doing an adventure that's based off treasure hunting and running around the circus like crazy isn't my idea of 'fun'. Distracted by my own thoughts, I wasn't exactly paying attention to where my feet were being placed before me, whilst walking and accidentally tripped, landing straight on the red carpet.
"Owww, shit hopefully no one saw that-"
"How was your trip there Y/n?"
Slowly getting up from the ground, I see a cackling Jax walking straight past me, looking like he was enjoying life at the moment.

That sick fuck.

Embarrassed and blushing like crazy, I headed straight to my room and slammed the door shut.
"I'm sick of that stupid two-eared freak ruining my days," I thought angrily.
"That's it. That little shit is getting what's coming to him."
Feeling my head start to hurt from all the thinking and crazy plotting, I look up to see myself in a mirror I randomly had in my room. I saw my eyes were not the usual y/e/c (your eye colour) eyes. Instead, they were replaced with pissed off, crimson-red coloured eyes. Not only that but a small grin was plastered on my face.

I'm going insane..

"This isn't meant to happen in the digital circus, perhaps it's a glitch," I thought to myself.
Looking at my slightly shaking hands, I knew what I had to do. To end all of this horrible pain from a certain purple rabbit, and to get the love of my life to be with me forever.

Jax P.O.V
Sitting on my bed and relaxing is the best way to end a day. Other than of course annoying the crap out of Y/n. Her face was priceless when I woke her up this morning, I can't help but still laugh at it nowadays.
In my own train of thoughts, I didn't hear my bedroom door open and notice someone standing there, menacingly.

Look at that lazy fuck, laughing at his own jokes for ammusment...

He'll pay for what he's done to me, my friends, my love...

Pomni P.O.V
I felt restless. I didn't know why.
Maybe I should check on Y/n, my gut told me so.
Getting up and out of my room, I felt my face grow red and warm. Checking in on someone you've had a crush on for a while, really does something to you.
Silently walking towards Y/n's room, I hear to what seems like shuffling or muffled sounds coming from Jax's room.
Hesitantly, I walk to Jax's bedroom door and knock on it.
No answer.
Debating to myself what I should do, I heard what sounded like a slight scream. Instincts kicking in, I quickly grabbed the rusty door handle and opened the door wide enough for me to stick my head in. Scared quiet a lot, I shly looked around.
"Jax? You okay? I heard weird soun-"
Pausing my sentence, my eyes widened from shock, from what I was seeing in front of me.

Y/n P.O.V
Dropping the blood covered knife on the ground, I shook my head and gasp for air. Everything looked like such a blur to me, I couldn't see, until I heard a lovely sounding voice and the door creak open. I looked up and saw my beautiful Pomni, who didn't look exactly impressed nor happy to see me.

"Why is she looking at me like that?"

Only just finishing my thoughts, I looked down at what was in front of me, all bloodied and gross.

3rd P.O.V
Y/n looked down to see the body of Jax all covered in stab wounds and blood, laying in front of her. Pomni was staring at the dead body, felt like puking from the horrible sight, but couldn't look away. Pomni looked up at Y/n once again, seeing that her eyes weren't normal and full of sweat and tears.
Without thinking, Pomni ran towards Y/n and tackled her into a hug. Y/n shocked our of her mind, wrapped her arms around Pomni's shoulders and rested her head in Pomni's neck. Neither one of them spoke, until..
"Y/n.....What did you do?"
Looking at Pomni's smooth face, Y/n placed a hand gently on her cheek and caressed it with her thumb, looking lovingly at Pomni.
"I...I.....Don't kn..know. I just l...lost it, I...I'm sorry," whispered Y/n, answering Pomni's concerned question.
"Why did you do this?"
Pomni looked up at Y/n's love struck and blood lust eyes with worry.
Y/n answered with a sigh,
"It was for you, and ONLY for you."
Silence was struck hard after that sentence was said, until...
"W..will you be my girlfriend?"
Pomni looked at Y/n with shocked, yet hopeful eyes. She thought it was crazy to ask such a silly question at the time where there is a literal dead body right by them.
But she couldn't turn down a question like that, especially since she'd been waiting so long for her crush to ask her that.


Welp, ima go die now 🔪🧍

I didn't know how to end the story, so I ended it sorta rushed and was like, eh..

I hope you enjoyed this very different oneshot.



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