+~Little Nightmares~+ Caine x Reader Oneshot

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Yeah sorry I haven't been posting lately, I've honestly forgotten about this book, and only just realizing that people are actually enjoying it, so let's continue this story, with a oneshot!! >:)
Apologies if my writing is absolute crap.

((3rd P.O.V))
As you flopped onto your hard, yet comfy-soft bed, you felt nothing but relief. You felt your muscles slowely relax from being used so much, thanks to Caine's "wise choice" of an adventure. For some reason, he decided to do a physical activity that required some major running skills and lots of huffing and puffing.


Even in the digital world, breathing was still something you needed and never had you ever been the greatest at any kind of physical work, let alone plain ol' running. Of course had come second last (with Kinger being in last place) with a surprising 1st place taken by Zooble. Honestly, Zooble deserved it. Though you never knew that they could run so fast, perhaps it was all that chasing after Jax because of his rude and dirty mind.
As much as you hated Caine for making you run with no apparent reason, it didn't stop you from admiring him and his work. Yes it was annoying, tiring and very stressful, but he probably put a lot of thought into, right.... RIGHT??

((Y/n P.O.V))
It felt like my head was spinning as soon as I hit it on my pillow. Next time I should probably request to Caine about doing a more "fun" adventure next time, instead of running around in circles and sweating my skin off. Would he even take requests? Especially from someone like me?....

((3rd P.O.V))
[[Sorry about my constant change of pov's. I can't choose for the life of me]]
After about 10 minutes of nothing but abnormal thoughts on activities and Caine and how physical activity is extremely draining, the sudden urge to sleep took over your body. Even though you were in the digital world and everyone said you don't need sleep, that was an absolute big bush of lies. You would most of the time feel nothing but fatigue hitting your whole body and brain.
Crawling under the silky covers of your bed blankets and trying to get some shut eye, you couldn't help but think about Caine.
Lately, your brain has been set on him and you couldn't understand why. Did you admire his work? Was his unusual looks of having teeth as a head still bothering you? Was it feelings?
Luckily all that contemplating kept your mind busy and you were finally off to dreamland.

However, it didn't turn out as great as you'd hoped.....

((Y/n P.O.V))

So many voices....

I can't see, why can't I see?!

Am I trapped here forever? Can anyone hear me? Is this the exit??

It felt like the void that Caine had forbid us to go, but more unfriendly...




"Anyone please!!........... "

As I tried to speak out, it felt like my mouth was tightly shut. Sewn professionally by an 80 year-old grandma that's been knitting for her whole life. I wasn't actually saying anything out loud, just in my head.

I couldn't breathe....

I just wanna leave.....

Suddenly the constant talking and whispers by unknowns got louder and louder. I couldn't make out at first who was saying them, but I could tell what they were saying slightly. Continueal chatters of lies and hatred towards me was being said. Not stopping and just getting louder.
For some reason it started to sound like my friends. Pomni, Kinger, Gangle, even Jax. All horrible rude things were being said, like how I can't run for the life of me and how I'll never escape.
Just then I heard a voice I didn't want to hear what's so ever....

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