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‎بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Algiers, Algeria.

I take a seat in front of my laptop, open the Nikkah app I've been wanting to check out, and finally download it. I fill in the required spaces and submit my application before logging out. I picked up my phone that same evening and downloaded the app before logging in.

Just as the app finishes loading, I see a notification from my inbox, so I click on it. There is someone's message already there, so I open the message, and I see a girl's profile, so I click on it. Her wali's phone number is there; it says she's twenty-four and has just finished her masters. She lives here in Algiers too. Her name is Nasreen Abu-Sitta.

I accept it after reading everything on her profile and am willing to give it a try. I message back her Wali and wait for a reply. I go to sleep after praying i'sha and awake the next day ready for work.

Totally forgetting to check if her father replied, I leave for work, only remembering hours later. I open up the message to see what it is that he responded with. "Assalamu Alaikum Naeem, glad to see you accepted the message request. If you're willing and interested, I would like to get to know you more before speaking to my daughter about you," he says.

"Wa'alaikumus salam, Oncle, I am willing and interested," I type back. We talk back and forth for at least twenty minutes before concluding that he'd speak to Nasreen and then get back to me.

After dropping my phone, I head downstairs and meet up with my sister Aman in the sitting room. "Assalamu Alaikum," I say, taking a seat. "Wa'alaikumus salam, where have you been?" She asks, "I've been upstairs since I got back from work." I explain.

"Have you had lunch?" She asks, "You worry too much, Aman, but yes, I did have lunch at work." I smile. "I have something to tell you, by the way." I say, turning my attention away from the television to look at her.

"What is it?" She asks, turning off the television and giving me her full attention. "So I downloaded this halal nikkah app, and I have found someone. I'm not sure about the whole thing yet because I spoke to her, Wali, and he said he has to talk to her about me, see where things go, and then get back to me." I explain.

"Well, so far from what you've read on her profile, do you think you can take things further after meeting her and confirming that everything on her profile is as written or said?" She questions. "If everything is as you just said, then why not? Of course, I'd like to see where things will go." I say.

"Oh my Allah, I wish you all the best then, and I hope she really is the one for you," she says, giving me a hug. "Don't tell Ommi or Baba yet; I want to be sure about everything before I tell them." I warn.

"I won't, in shaa Allah, but can I at least know her name?" She pouts, "Nope, I want to be really sure before I give any of you any information. I don't want to give you all false hopes." I sigh

"Fine, I won't stress," she giggles, hitting me on the shoulder. "Are you ready for Ramadan?" She asks, "As ready as can be," and I nod, "I'm so excited!" She squeals, "You're always excited about everything, Aman." I shake my head.

She turns her head away and huffs, "Go away now; I'm still watching this series, and you came and interrupted me. Ommi will be home soon and will want to watch her famous soap opera now," she says, sending me away. Ladies and gentlemen, Aman is my baby sister.

She's the most amazing sister I could ever ask for. Most people complain about their siblings, but nope, me and her hardly fight. I would never ask for another sister or have it another way. Alhamdulilah for her.

I shake my head and get up to leave the house to take a short walk around the neighborhood to clear my head.

Hello, hello, it's me again back with a new book AGAIN!!
I have a feeling you'll like this more than the first one but who knows 🤭
Hope you all love this as much as you loved the book one.
Don't forget to vote comment and share🫶🏽. Love you all so much 😽.
See you soon 💕!

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