Chapter 7

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I pull out a pan to make lasagna in. Jared said he should be over in about two hours. I put the lasagna pasta strips into the boiling water. My door bell rings. I sigh and run to the door wiping my hands on my pants. I open it.

"Hi... Nick. What are you doing here?" I ask startled. He smiles.

"You haven't happen to have a drink yet... have you?" He questions. I shake my head.

"No! I'm cooking. Also it's a work nig-" I start. He steps in grabbing ahold of my face. He presses his lips to mine. His lips are so.. soft. He pulls away, leaving me wanting more. His eyes meet mine. I let out a breath I've been holding in. Something in me burns. His hands move off of my face, letting the cool night air hit them. "I remember everything from Friday night." He raises his eye brows. "I remember it all, from the bar to here, doing that... stuff with you." I can't say such dirty things to him.

"What stuff? Explain it to me." He pushes out.

"What we did when we got here. The kissing and.. Sexual stuff." I say looking down timidly. I feel his fingers on my chin. He tilts my head to look at him.

"Tell me to refresh my memory." He says. I feel myself blush. He can't make me tell him everything we did! "Come on... tell me." I need to be bold! I move closer and drag my hands up his chest. I bring my head close.

"Why can't you tell me?" I ask.

"Because... I asked you first." He says gazing at my face. His hands slowly travel to my ass. My body starts to heat up.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you." I announce.

"Why not?" He chuckles as if he won something. I press my body against his.

"I'd rather show you." I say. With all the courage I have I press my lips to his. To my surprise he starts pushing me into the house. He pulls away and shuts the door. Suddenly two things hit me. 1) I feel like I am forgetting something and 2) he is my boss. We shouldn't be doing this. He pulls me against his body, and attacks my mouth with his. On second thought, boss or not, I don't care right now! My hands go into his hair, tangling my fingers in it. His tongue slowly moves to the crease of my lips. I don't let him slide his tongue into my mouth. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and nibbles on it. His hands find my ass again and squeezes it. I moan lightly not opening my mouth. One of his hands move up to my hair. He grabs a handful of hair and yanks it down, not hurting me. My head tilts up as our lips break apart. A joyful buzz runs through my body.

"You're being very bad to me, Gabriella." He says. He pulls on my hair harder making my head tilt up more. I feel his lips on my neck. He lightly kisses down to my collar bone and lightly bites it. I moan in my throat again. He nips up my neck, letting his tongue trail up it too. My body shakes in joy. "I think you should be a good girl for me." He says, his lips brushing my neck. I swallow. I move my hand to the growing bulge in his pants. I stroke him through his pants. He groans and grabs my hand. His lips meet mine again, harshly. He lets go of my hair and grabs my butt, pulling me up to his height. I wrap my legs around him. I feel him start to walk. I hold onto his face as I pull away. I lightly lick his jaw and up to his ear. I easily bite and suck on it. I crack one of my eyes open to see that we are safely up the stairs. I blow in his ear. We enter my room. I wiggle so he sets me down. I reach up to his head and pull it down to mine. Our lips meet as I start to walk backwards, bringing him with me. I pull away and move behind him. He turns and grabs ahold of me. "If I were you... I'd stop moving around so much." I smirk and shove him onto my bed. I climb on top of him, startling him, and kiss him again. His hands grab ahold of my ass and moves my hips against his. I finally let out a moan. He slides his tongue into my mouth victoriously. I move my hands to the buttons of his shirt and start to slowly undo them. Our tongues dance together as I get near the end of his shirt. His hands move to my shirt and tugs at it. I pull away, sitting up on him. He slides my shirt up and off of me. He sits up, his hands holding my lower back as his lips brush against mine. . He kisses along my jaw line, then down my neck to my collar bone, and ending up at my breasts. His tongue traces along the cup of my bra. I lean back, him pulling my body closer against his mouth. He unhooks my bra, letting the straps slide down my arms. I help him by taking it off. His mouth captures one of my breasts. I gasp, guiding my hips against his. His teeth graze my nipples making me bite my lip. I feel my core buzzing. I can't take this anymore. I pry him off of me and push his body back down to the bed. He looks at me surprised. I bring my head down and kiss his lips. I trail them down to his neck. I finish removing his shirt. I slide my body down as I kiss down his body. I stop at his pants. I unbutton and unzipper them. I grab a hold of his pants and pull them down and off of him, his boxers with them. He grabs ahold of my wrists and pulls me close to him. "You've been very bad to me." I bite my lip. "You disobeyed me and that bad behavior needs a punishment." I shiver. He puts me over his knees. His hand slaps my ass making me gasp. With his other hand, he grabs my hair and pulls on it, making my head go back to look at him. "How many do you think you deserve?" I swallow biting my lip as he slaps my ass again.

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