Chapter 5

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I walk into work on Monday and punch in. I go to my cubby office. I beat Jared here today. I pull out what I need to. I sip my coffee and sigh turning my computer on. I notice Nick walking by. He smiles. I smile back at him.

"Good morning, Gabriella." He says.

"Good morning, sir." I say. He stops by the entrance to my cubical and leans against the framing. I bite my lip unsure if I should tell him about the wallet. Maybe I can clear this up and be okay.

"I was wondering if you can do me a favor." He asks, smile still branded to his face.

"Sure, what is it?" I ask professionally.

"Can you run out to-" He starts.

"Uhm, they need you now in the meeting." Hailey states stopping by him on her way somewhere. "I guess it is an emergency."

"Okay, I'll see you later Gabriella." Nick promises. With that he leaves. Hailey glances at me squinting.

"It's too bad Anthony Cruz won't share his information to you anymore." She says with a smirk. "Let's see who stays on top of nicks list now." She storms away. Sabotaging bitch.

"Ow, what did I just walk into?" I hear Jared. I look over to see him sit. I roll my eyes.

"Drama about everything." I state. He nods and types on his computer.

"Like normal." He says.

"Mhmm." I state. I check my emails. No important ones. My phone rings.

"Hello Hanson's Industries, this is Gabriella, how may I help you today?" I ask.

"Hi, I have a few issues with my product I purchased recently." A male says. "And the pdf isn't working."

"Okay sir. You actually have the wrong station. If you want I can transfer you to our client help desk." I say biting my lip.

"I'd love that." He says.

"Okay, they will be with you shortly, have a nice day." I state.

"Thank you so much." He says.

"You're welcome." I say. I put him on hold and transfer the call. I look over and see Jared staring at me. "What?" He smiles.

"You act so innocent and professional, it's funny!" He says. I roll my eyes. "I'm just glad you don't have that fake high pitched customer service voice." Later on, I go to the meeting with Jared. Nick isn't here yet. We all sit down at the large conference table.

"So, any news on the Ant?" Jared asks me lowly.

"No, I am not going to talk to him, if it brings my work rank down or not. I'm not a spy or anything." I say. "But today, I might as well have some fun spilling some beans about Cruz Inc." Jared smiles.

"Oh I love how you get all spiteful and evil." He jokes. "And how you try to be in charge and powerful. Turn on." I elbow him harshly as Nick walks in, Hailey trailing in close behind him. They sit as everything turns quiet.

"So, it was brought to my attention, that some one in this building, I am not sure who, is probably a spy for Cruz Inc. If there is any un normal activity, please notify me. Some how, they are finding out more about us." I notice Hailey shooting daggers at me.

"Nick, I found out something." Hailey says. My stomach drops. She smirks. " Someone here use to date him. They aren't together anymore for better reasons, but I bet she has something to do with it."

"Do you know who?" A guy asks.

"I could find out who." She says eyeing me like a hawk.

"Uhm, how do you know this?" Nick questions.

"One of the girls were in the bathroom on the phone with Anthony Cruz." She states. Nick nods. I feel Jared lightly step on my foot. It's a lie. I've only made calls from my car. I shift a little in my seat.

"Have you ever considered Anthony Cruz could be gay?" Jared asks. I look at him wanting to laugh. Hailey makes an evil face. "And how many Anthony Cruz's are there in this area alone? I mean you can't interpret that."

"He does make a point." A girl says.

"I agree too." A guy says, also. Nick nods with his eyebrows raised.

"I heard he got more spies." I state. Nick smiles toward me. " Also, he has been calling people out of the area, or paying people to switch over to his company."

"Very good." Nick says with interest.

"How do you know that?" Hailey asks raising an eyebrow smirking.

"Well, one of the workers called asking if I'd like to switch over and get better deals and money back. Then Daniel found out about the spies." I say smiling at her. She squints.

"Okay, with that out of the way... lets actually start this meeting." Nick says. He looks around. " I forgot my stuff in my car."

"So meeting postponed?" Jared asks, a little too hopeful.

"No... uhm, Gabriella?" he asks. I look at him. " Can you go to my car and get my papers?" He pulls his keys out. "My car's parked near the exit. It's a grey Audi. The papers should be in the passenger seat under my jacket." I nod and get up. Jared makes a noise, like he is chuckling. I bump into his seat on purpose as I walk to Nick. I grab his keys. "Don't drive away." He teases. I smile.

"Don't plan to." I laugh. I leave and go outside. There are two ways in and out of here. I walk around the parking lot clicking unlock repeatedly. Finally I find it. I go to the passenger door and open it. I lift the jacket and pause. Flashes of Friday night replay in my mind. I reach down and grab what is on the seat. My bra, and shoes. Holy shit! I slept with my boss! And I forgot! My nerves dance around. Am I in trouble for it? I grab the papers also and shut the door. My stomach turns. I lock his car and run to mine. I toss my shoes and bra inside and shut the door. I head inside and upstairs to the meeting. I set the papers down, my eyes connecting with Nicks. His eyes bore into mine quizzically. I can not believe I actually slept with him! He smirks mischievously. I feel myself smile as I sit back down. Jared gives me a confused look. Nick starts the meeting. After the meeting, Jared and I go to our desks.

"I mean really, if you don't like me, dump me." Jared cries. I roll my eyes.

"Jared!" I groan. " Your girlfriend is a messed up fucktard. Dump her ass already!"

"But she is so... hot." He says.

"So am I." I joke dumbly. He laughs.

"So not the time for that" He says. I shrug.

"Jay, she is all the way in Virginia. She is a nut job and she always picks a fight. Do you really think she is someone worth holding onto? You can actually have a real relationship with someone here and be happy with them." I explain. He stares at me silently. "I mean you can do so much better than someone with a big ego."

"Practice what you preach." He says.

"Seriously?" I complain.

" You dated you know who. You should have realized he has the biggest ego out of everyone in the world. You should have realized also that maybe there was someone better than him, that wanted to be with you." He says. I sigh and shake my head. "Gabs."

"I thought he did, Jared." I say. "Or I wouldn't of been with him." He nods sighing. I turn to my computer and email people our offers. My work phone rings. The 'boss' light is flashing. I pick it up. And now there's this issue at hand.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask casually.

"Can you come to my office for a minute? It's important." Nick says.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I say, then hang up. Jared looks at me. I stand and shrug. I walk to Nicks office. From a few cubbies over I see Hailey glancing over smirking. What if she told Nick. My stomach flops as I get closer. Savor the last moments of the job, Gabriella. His office door is already open. I gulp and knock, sticking my head in. He sits at his desk looking at papers. He doesn't look up. Oh god.

"Come in, and close the door." He says with no emotion. I stumble in slowly and push the door shut.

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