Chapter 13

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I wake up Monday morning with a text from Nick.

[Bring make up] I frown. Why the hell would I need to bring make up? [Why?] I get up and put on a dress.


I sigh. [OK].

I still am clueless about what happened Friday night. I don't remember leaving the bar with anyone... yet my car was at the bar. Jared was not so thrilled about that one or mystery guy. I finish getting ready and pack some make up. I drive to work. Ever since Nick's and my fight Friday afternoon, we haven't talked... well until this morning. Thanks to my 'special' hours, it's basically just him and I on that floor. I go inside, grabbing his coffee on my way to the elevator. Once on my floor, I go to his office. The door is closed. I frown. It's unusual unless someone's in there. A pinch of jealousy rushes through me. I push it away immediatley. I knock.

"Who is it?" His voice rings with no emotion.

"Gee, you would know if you had your door open." I snap.

" Come in, Miss. Parker." He replies. I go in. He stands by the window looking at the parking lot. I set his coffee on his desk. "Do you have the stuff?" I hold back a smirk.

" Yeah. God, you make it sound like a drug run." I say digging through my purse to find my make up. "Why do you need make up any way? I brought it all just incase." I look up. "That's-" I gasp as he turns toward me. "What happened?" His jaw had a slight bruise on it. My heart races as blurry figures tussle in my head.

"Do you think you can fix it?" He asks. "I'll tell you if you can." I nod and grab my primer, foundation, and concealer . I go up to him and start working my magic.

"We aren't the same shade so it might look off." He chuckles lightly. "So, what happened?" I asks.

"You were drunk." He says.

"Oh! Every good story starts with that line!" I say sarcastically.

"Well I brought you home from the bar." He says. That's who I left with! "You reeked of fireball." I giggle remembering my finding." When we got to your house... Cruz showed up." I pause.

"Anthony?" I ask.

"Yep!" He states. I apply some cover up. " So a few words were said... a few punches were thrown. Nothing big." I freeze. My mind replays through the entire night. From the bar, to his car, to rambling, to home and starting to do stuff with Nick, to Anthony arriving. They argued.

"You two argued." I say. I start applying the concealer. "Argued about me and his pathetic life. He also-" Anthony threatened Nicks career. Nick's replay to Anthony runs through my head. Not word from word... but something about his work being second compared to me. I look into his eyes. I frown slightly. "Y-you said you're work comes second compared to me."

"I did not word it like that. I was stating what I had on my mind. He should not have treated you like he has been." He says. I bring my hand away.

"You told me you wanted nothing to ruin your company. Why would you have said that?" I ask. He shrugs and looks away.

"I was just saying things. I didn't think of what I was saying or doing. Obviously since I fought him." He says. The rest of the night plays.

"You spent the night." I whisper.

" I the morning." He says.

"But you stay-" I start.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't want him coming back. That's the only reason." He snaps. I back away. "If you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

Later that day, Jared and I sit outside for lunch.

"Christine told me Hailey was in the copy room today." He says. I shrug. "Took her a little while."

"Good for her." I say.

"What's wrong? Where's the smart ass Gabby I know?" He questions.

"I'm fine. I'm just exhausted and tired of work." I answer. "No biggy."

"Mmhmm. Tell me if boss man works you too hard. I'll put him in his place." He jokes. Nick punching Anthony comes to mind. I put my head in my hands. "Sorry. It was a joke."

"You're fine." I assure. I pick my head up. "So did you find anyone knew Friday? You forgot to tell me."

"Uhm, maybe?" He says.

"Oh Jay! Who?" I ask. He shrugs.

"It may or may not have been Hailey." He says ignoring my glare.

"Are you fucking serious!" I growl. He laughs.

"Hell no!" He laughs. I punch his arm. "Some Colombian chick."

"I hate you so much, Jared." I say. After a little, we go back inside. We run into Nick on the elevator.

"Miss. Parker! There you are. I want you in my office. Now." He says. I frown.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I'll address the issue once in my office." He says. Jared and I exchange glances. Once on our floor, I follow Nick to his office. Once in, he shuts the door. He walks to his desk.

"What-" I start. He cuts me off.

"Come here." He says. I walk over. Laid out on his desk are what looks to be like screenshots of phone messages printed out. The top bar on every page was covered. "Read these, please."

"Wh-" I start.

"Read them, Gabriella." He snaps. I sigh and read them, every single one. After I am done, I look at him. "Do any of these look familiar?"

"No. They don't." I answer.

"You sure? Obviously many messages obtain information about the company." He says.

"Nick, I swear. None of those look familiar." I say. He uncovers the bar. I frown. My name is on the bar.

"Then explain hanging out." He says.

"Nick I swear. It isn't me." I say. He holds out a hand.

"Let me see your phone." He says. I fumble to get my phone from my purse. I hand it to him. He goes through what seems like texts. He checks something else. I watch him closely. He sets the phone down. "Are you 100% positive you didn't send these messages?"

"Yes, sir." I say. He goes around his desk and grabs his work phone. He dials an extension.

"Yes, can you come to my office?... Bye." He says. He hangs up. There is a knock on the door. Jared comes in. An idea comes to my mind.

"Sir, a customer showed up demanding-" He starts.

"Jared!" I say. I pull him over to the desk. "Sir, he has seen every text between Anthony and I."

"Gabby!" Jared cries.

"Yeah, it had information, but he had my back. You can't be mad at him. He never told anyone anything." I say. "Let him read it. Please!"

"Okay, you only have one chance." Nick says. Jared observes the messages.

"I don't recall any of these." He says. I sigh. "Plus they talked briefer. Not so many words."

"You wanted to see me, sir?" We turn to see none other than Hailey. 

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