Chapter 2

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I walk into Midnight Adventures a little early. I go to the bar immediatley and order a cranberry vodka for myself. I glance around as the bartender makes my drink. I don't see Anthony yet. He didn't tell me what he would be wearing. Hopefully he is here. It isn't 8 yet but it's pretty close. The bartender hands me my drink. I take a sip before making my way through the dancers. After I get bumped a few times and grinded on, I finally break out of the group and find a table. I set my drink down on it and pull my pone out of my purse. Hands settle on my hips and a body presses up against my back. I feel their breath fanning on my neck before moving closer to my ear. I bite my lip knowing exactly who it is.

"Perfect dress." Anthony says into my ear. "I especially love how your ass is almost showing!" I turn around and trail my arms up around his neck. I smirk.

"I followed your orders... didn't I?" I ask giving him a pout. His eyes sweep over my body. He pulls my body against his, his eyes sparkling.

"Mmm. Yes baby, you did!" He says. He kisses me, his hands traveling to my ass. He licks my bottom lip. I open my mouth for him. His tongue plunges into my mouth as his hands squeeze my ass. I moan making him push into me more. I pull away.

"Uh-uh-uh. I just got here. I'm not leaving." I say teasingly.

"Excuse me, but you're so irresistible." He says. I give him a lazy smile and escape his hold.

"I was just about to call you." I say grabbing my drink. He cocks up an eyebrow as I take another sip.

"Oh? You're here pretty early." He states. " You sure you weren't with someone else before me?" I know he is joking by his smirk.

"I'm sure, you ass." I say smiling. He kisses me. "I'm only a few minutes early."

"I'm going to grab a drink ." He says taking my free hand. He kisses it properly. "Don't go anywhere." I smile watching him walk away. I sit at the table. I place my drink down and sigh. I play with the straw in it and observe the people dancing. It looks like so much fun. I met Anthony at a bar. I guess I was lucky being there that night.

"Here's the party!" I startle out of my thoughts. Jared yanks out the chair next to me. "That only took me three minutes this time to find your sexy ass!" I slap his arm while I giggle.

"You ass! You were already here and drinking!" I laugh.

"Yes, that one hooters girl is here! Oh I just love-" He starts.

"Didn't know you were brining work home." Anthony speaks sitting on the other side of me with his drink. Anthony has some odd thing with Jared, but it doesn't mean he can be rude to my best friend.

"He's allowed to be here too!" I scold trying not to come off to bitchy.

"I just thought you'd tell me." He says dryly before taking a swig of his drink. HE glares over at Jared.

"It's cool Gabs. Hooters is back on the dance floor." Jared says standing with a reassuring smile.

"Have fun." I say with a small smile. I'm a little upset. I finish my drink.

"Forget him Babe... let's dance." Anthony pulls me up. He brings me over to the dance floor.

"You know, maybe I should get another drink." I say eyeing the bar. Drinking will help me feel better. I'm just moody. He lets me go without a fight. I go over and order two shots of tequila. I down them and sigh. A little more won't hurt. I'll be happy in no time!

After a few more drinks, it's been over an hour. I didn't realize how much time has past! Fuck! I stumble back to my table in search for Anthony. I fucked up by losing track of time! He isn't at the table. I search the crowd of dancers. Sighing when I see Jared, I make my way over. He is currently dancing against a girl. This is that girl from hooters he's been gushing over. Yet, even though he has a girlfriend in Virginia, he enjoys dancing. "Jay? Have you seen Ant?"

"No, check near the entrance maybe?" He gives.

"Sorry to interrupt!" I back away and groan. I find my way back to the bar. He can find me if he needs me. I order a few sots of liquor.

"Oh my god, hey Gabby!" Christine Fuller, my friend and a girl that works at my job in the Starbucks, says smiling.

"Hey Christy!" I say. She sits on the stool by me.

"Look at you!" She cheers picking up her bottle of beer. "You look so, so hot."

"You do too!" I say admiring her tight blue dress.

"Thanks. My husband brought me here. He ran into a few co workers so I figured I'd get some more drinks. I'm so glad you're here." She says.

"I hear you. I'm just here. Jared is here, too....somewhere." I say knowing he's getting it on with hooters. She doesn't know about Anthony and I. I only trust Jared.

"Oh! He is?" She asks looking into the crowd. I nod. She gasps. "We should dance! Oh please dance with me!" I smile.

"Sure." I say. I need some fun tonight! She squeals. Let me tell you, she is loud when she is drunk. She drags my over to the dance floor, the liquor catching up to me. The buzz is amazing. We start dancing against each other. I'm sure guys will go crazy for her moves. We've danced together before at a different bar. We are sexy dance partners. She sways her hips and lowers herself against me. Once she stands again we face each other and grind our bodies together. She lets out a whoop making me cackle. I turn to grind my ass against her. She grabs my hips and guides me into a rhythm. I bring my arms up and back, wrapping them around her neck. She laughs. I do, too and turn to her with a wink. "My sexy partner, that man wants to dance." I say guesturing to our side. A man in his late 20's stared at us smiling. She giggles.

"That's my hubby." She laughs. "Thank you for dancing with me!" She bounces over to him. I go back to the bar and order another drink. Once I have it in my possession, I take a few big gulps, feeling my head pound. I hear a chuckle.

"Aren't you one sexy little fox on the dance floor!" I look over to see Nick. My boss man. I raise my eyebrows as if my minds playing with me.

"Wow, a man like you out in a bar! How... Surprising!" I tease with a smirk.

"You know, Besides being a boss, I am a normal human being." He slurs a bit. I laugh.

"Are you now?" I ask playfully. He nods taking a long swig from his bottle. Surely someone like him would wander into a VIP section. "Amusing."

"Is it?" He asks raising his eyebrows. I nod sipping my drink. He looks around. "I sure hope you don't come here on a work night. Seems you get drunk pretty easily." I gasp.

"I do not!" I protest.

"I've been keeping a close eye on you, Gabriella, and I think I know this." he says. His blue eyes hold a dark secret. I feel my nerves rise. Did he see me with Anthony earlier?

"Interesting you assume so." I tease trying to still sound playful. He smirks again, reassuring me he didn't. I take notice when his eyes quickly glance at my dress. A hand grabs my arm.

"Come dance with me Gabs!" Jared cries yanking me from the bar stool. I ungracefully balance myself on him. "Hooters left!"

"See you." Nick says. I grin at him before following Jared. We get swallowed up into the crowd. I feel like there are a set of eyes that are burning into me. Nick did say he was watching me closely.

"So boss man shows up." Jared says pulling me against him. I dance into him.

"Yeah, shocking isn't it?" I ask. "A man so passionate about his company and work is in a club!" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Funny how he decided to talk to closely." He teases watching me expectantly.

"We weren't that close." I claim confused. He brings his face near mine making me freeze.

"This isn't close?" He asks, his eyes searching mine. I blush and push him.

'You're an asshole." I cry. He laughs. I cross my arms. "We weren't that close."

"Well you're an adorable angel. No wonder why he has an interest in you. So innocent, yet you have a wild side that I'm sure shocked him." He says making me roll my eyes.

"Just dance with me." I laugh pulling him closer.

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