Chapter 3

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After another two hours of dancing and drinking, I try to find Anthony. There is no way in hell I am going home alone and driving! I stumble to the entrance and look through a big window. My eyes skim the parking lot in search of his car. Almost immediately I find it. Then where is he? I get a call from Jared. He left an hour ago to bring hooters home. I appreciate him checking on me.

"Hey." I slur.

"Find him yet?" He asks.

"No! He fucking loves to play this hide and seek game every fucking time!" I cry. "How could he ditch me again?" I know I went for drinks but he knew where I was!

"I find it a turn off, and he should stay with you!" He says. I walk still looking around.

"Well, I left him this time! I wanted another drink so I left him for a long time." I slur guiltily. "I'm a bad person!"

"Gabs, you are not a bad person!" he says. "And that's his fault."

"I know but this time it is my fault." I cry. I came around the corner to the coat room and see him. He devours some chicks lips as he gropes her body. "Oh my god!" I feel sick.

"Gabs, what happened?" Jared asks. Anthony turns startled, letting me have a full view of Hailey. Fucking Hailey!

"A-Anthony? Hailey?" I stammer. My drunk eyes better be deceiving me!

"Oh Shit." Jared gasps. Anthony smiles guilty.

"Uh Gabby, baby, you know Hailey." He says guesturing her. She smirks at me.

"Gabs, get out of there. Just leave!" Jared instructs. I breathe hard and turn on my heel. "Just leave him." I let out a small cry. Never was I cheated on in my life. If I was, then I wasn't aware, until today. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. "It's okay Gabs. He isn't worth your tears."

"I have to go Jay. I love you." I sniff.

"Oh Gabs... I love you, too. Call me when you get home." He says. I pull my shoes off so I can walk faster.

"I will" I say. I hang up and wipe my tears. I leave the club and stumble to my car. I'll wait in my car for a taxi or something. I bump into a few parked vehicles on my way. Once I get to my car, I lean against the drivers door and try to catch my breath. I clench my shoes and try not to cry. A hand touches my upper arm. Stranger danger! I gasp and stand up straight. It's Nick... but a sober one, in different clothes than earlier. I observe him confused.

"Gabriella, are you okay? You face planted into my car after I Parked." He says when I don't speak. His eyebrows are furrowed in worry.

"I'm fine...Why are you different looking?" I ask trying to distract myself.

"I went home about two hours ago but I forgot my phone." He admits. I nod. He opens his mouth to speak again.

"Listen.. I have to go home. I'll see you Monday." I sniff opening my car door. He shuts it giving me a weird look.

"You can't drive home. You're drunk." He accuses. "You'll get pulled over and arrested. That is not good for your work reputation."

"Well who said I was driving? Jared can't bring me home because-"

"Come come. I'll bring you home." He demands. "It's the least I can do for your great job at work." I shrug unsure. I can't bother him for that. "Let's go! I'm not taking no for an answer, and I'm not letting you take a sketchy taxi at this hour." I sigh and nod in agreement. I stumble after him as he walks away. As we arrive at his car, he unlocks it for me. "Get in. I'll be right back." I nod as he leaves toward the club. I open the door and stumble backward into the car behind me, and fall onto my ass. That's going to hurt in the morning. Gosh I drank too much. The car alarm starts to go off. I struggle and get up. I dive into Nicks car shutting the door. The alarm stops. I inhale deeply, smelling the scent of his car. It is so warm and inviting. Surprisingly it's really clean. The door opens startling me. Nick gets in and sets his phone in the cup holder. He buckles in. I grab my buckle and try to get it into the hole. My hazy state isn't helping this situation. I slide it around the holder. Nicks hand lands on mine and helps me buckle. His hands are so warm. Tingles fly through my body as his hand leaves mine. He starts to drive.

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