He's whipped

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"What do you mean you're not going to the party Ash? We planned this 2 weeks ago," Calum exclaimed sounding a bit a angry. "I know, but I promised y/n we would have a movie night and I don't wanna disappoint her!" Ashton told the boys sounding a bit panicked. "Oh, I see how it is. It's because of y/n," Calum said smirking. Ashton was about to continue but Calum cut him of again. "So you'd rather watch chick flicks all night instead of going to an amazing party we've been planning for weeks?" "We're not watching chick flicks," Ashton muttered. "Oh really?" Luke asked from behind him, holding a bag with all the movies Ashton had bought. "Get out," Ashton grumbled as he tried to push the boys out the door. Before Ashton could push all of them out Luke ran into the kitchen. "Oh look at this guys," Luke said, coming back into the living room. He was walking with his hands behind his back and all the boys were looking at him confused. Luke softly collided his hand with Ashton's cheek and smeared whipped cream all over Ashton's face, before running giggling out the door. "I guess you could say he's whipped," Michael grinned before running of with Calum behind him.


"You do realize Calum is completely whipped for you right?" Michael asked you one day. You placed your phone on the table to look at him, seeing the boys nod in agreement. "No he's not," you defended. You and all the boys were having a casual movie night at yours and Calum's place, when Calum had gone to the toilet Michael had immediately started the conversation. "He really is y/n," Luke said. You just huffed not believing them. "And what makes you think he's whipped?" Michael was just about to answer you when Calum walked back into the room, causing you all to go silent. "What were you guys talking about?" Calum asked giving you all a weird look. "Nothing babe," you told him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him down, so he was sitting beside you. "Let's watch another movie," Ashton suggested. It was about halfway trough the movie and your stomach started growling loudly, causing Calum to giggle. "Can you make me a sandwich babe? I'm too comfortable right now," you pouted. He immediately stood up and went to the kitchen. Michael, who had heard the conversation, just smirked at you. "What?" You asked him. Instead of answering you he just smiled wider, before calling after Calum. "Hey Cal, can you make me a sandwich as well?" "Hell no, go make your own sandwich," Calum called back. "Still don't think he's whipped for you?" Michael asked. "Nope, he's just being a good boyfriend," you told Michael, causing him to roll his eyes.


"Freaking die you piece of shit" You heard Michael yell from the living room. Feeling curious you walked into the said room only to see Michael playing video games with the boys. "Hey babe," you said kissing him on the cheek. "Hi," he said as he turned his head quickly pecking you on the lips. "How was school?" Michael asked after you had said hi to the rest of the boys. "Stressful," you answered as you sat down on the couch beside Michael and grabbed a piece of his pizza. Eating a bit of the pizza you looked up only to see Luke, who wasn't playing, looking at you like you had grown another head. "What?" You asked with your mouth full of pizza. Luke just nudged Calum and pointed to you. Calum looked confused for a second until his eyes widened as well. He glanced from you to Michael before you finally had enough. "What is it?" You asked again. "You just took a piece of Michael's pizza!" Calum exclaimed. "So?" You asked still confused. "No one touches Michael's pizza! The last time I tried he nearly stabbed me in the eye with a fork!" Calum said again. This caused Michael and Ashton to pause the game and look at you. "What's going on?" Ashton asked looking between you, Luke and Calum. "Y/n just took a slice of Michael's pizza and he's not doing anything!" Calum exclaimed yet again. "So? She's special," Michael said throwing an arm around you so he could pull you into his side and kiss the top of your head. "You're in so deep mate," Luke just exclaimed shaking his head.


"Oh hi Luke, what're you doing here?" Luke heard a voice say from behind him. He quickly turned around and spotted Ashton and Lauren. "Shit," Luke muttered under his breath. "I'm just, uh. Nothing really? What about you?" Luke stuttered. "Thought I'd spoil Lauren a bit. Buy her some new clothes and stuff," Ashton told him. "I thought you were meant to be at Michael's?" Ashton asked. "Uh, was that today? Naah, that's next week," Luke said, his voice getting slightly higher at the end of the sentence. Ashton was about to ask another question when you walked up beside Luke. "Hey Luke, can you go pay for these? I'm just gonna go try on some other dresses," you said handing him a bunch of clothes. "Sure babe," he said kissing you on the cheek. "Oh hey Ashton, hi Lauren," you smiled at them, before quickly walking them to the changing rooms. When you were gone Luke looked back at Ashton, who gave him a look in return. "What? I'm just spoiling my girlfriend!" Luke blushed. "Yeah, I can see that. Tell Michael i said hi. I'm sure you gonna watch those chick flicks with him later," Ashton said, pointing at the bag with movies. "Oh and don't let Michael eat too much of that candy, you know how hyper he gets," Ashton said, pointing to another bag. "Not to mention you-" "enough," Luke grumbled cutting Ashton off mid sentence. "I get it, you think I'm whipped and blah blah blah. I'm just being nice to my girlfriend and see where that's gotten me. I've still got a girlfriend, unlike you Mr single," Luke said, trying to wave his arms around to make a point. "Just wait until the boys hear about this," Ashton muttered under his breath, before walking away.

I'm sorry this is really bad... It was requested a long time ago and I did start writing it a long time ago, but only finished the last of it last week.

Question of the day: what's your favourite movie?

Answer: the perks of being a wallflower and death of a superhero

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