Depression 1/4

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"Y/n/n?" You heard Michael ask as he slowly opened the door. The door let out a creak that sounded louder in the deathly silence. A little slit of light illuminated the dark room. "(Y/n/n? Are you in here?" He asked again as he quietly entered the room. You didn't say anything just continued staring blankly at the wall. You felt the bed dip beside you as Michael laid down next to you. "One of those days?" Michael asked and when you didn't answer it only confirmed his suspicions. "Come here," he told you, pulling lightly on your shoulder until you were laying on your back. Michael threw his arm across your stomach as he curled around your body as much as possible. "I know you don't really like talking about it and I know that nothing might be wrong exactly. But you know you can come to me anytime right? I don't care if it's in the middle of the night or if I'm thousand of miles away, please know that I'm here for you." You slowly cuddled into Michael as you felt tears brimming your eyes. "Why do I have to feel like this Michael? Nothing even happened this time. I just woke up and just, I don't even, I can't," you were cut off by your own sobs. "Hey hey, look at me," Michael told you kissing your cheek. "It's alright," Michael said as soon as your eyes met. "It's not-" you started to protest, but was cut off again this time by Michael. "It is y/n. This is part of recovering. I'm so incredibly proud of you for trying to get better, and you might not see it, but you really are doing better! It's alright to have days like these, it's alright to feel down, heck it's alright to feel nothing at all! Let's just put on a movie and cuddle for the rest of the day. I'll make the dinner you don't have to think about that, just focus on relaxing and we'll see how you feel tomorrow. Alright?" Michael asks finishing it off with another kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Michael," you whispered after a couple of minutes. "Anytime y/n," he told you, squeezing you tighter to him.

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