You die (his pov)

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Luke: i have no idea what time it was when I woke up by an annoying noise. It was completely dark but I soon found out it was my phone. Why would anyone call at this time? I thought as I blindly looked for my phone in the bunk I was laying in. The tour bus was still moving so it couldn't be my alarm. I opened one eye to see y/n calling. Smiling, I quickly picked up the phone. "Hey babe, what's up?" I asked. "Is this Luke Hemmings?" An unknown person asked. "Uh, yeah... Why?" I asked getting confused. "I'm sorry to inform you that y/n was in a car accident and died immediately." My heart dropped as I threw the phone to the other side of the bunk sitting up. I had woken up Ashton in the process and he was now asking me lots of questions. "Luke are you okay?" I wanted to answer him, but I couldn't, I felt completely numb. "Luke what happened?" Ashton tried again, getting out of his bunk and walking over to me. "Y/n- she-" I couldn't say it. I started feeling sick and ran to the toilet. I quickly locked the door and emptied my stomach. She was gone. Ashton was knocking on the door and I could hear the other boys asking questions as well. "Luke please open the door and tell us what's wrong" I heard Calum say. I unlocked the door, why wasn't I crying? She was gone and I'm not even crying. "C'mon mate, is it about y/n?" Michael asked. I nodded. "Did she break up with you?" Ashton asked. "She-she's dead" I said as the first tear started rolling down my cheek. "What?" All three said. I finally collapsed on the floor and started sobbing loudly. "Hey, it's gonna be okay Luke," Ashton said embracing me in a hug. No, it wasn't gonna be okay, I had just lost the love of my life and i didn't even get to say goodbye. "I just want to be alone," I shakily said. "I know that seems like the best idea for you Luke, and that's how you usually handle stuff, but you're not going trough this alone, we're here for you," Michael said reassuringly. "Thanks," I mumbled as I walked towards my bunk. I just wanted to sleep, and when I woke up the boys would tell me it had all been a nightmare. But as I laid in my bunk for hours before falling into a restless sleep I realised this was real.

Ashton: I was so excited for y/n to finally be with me. I had been on tour for 4 months and I knew she was on her way to see me. I had talked to her a few hours ago, just before she went on the plane. I was trying to kill time and decided to turn on the tv. I watched some weird cooking show and when that was over the news. I immediately sat up when the lady mentioned something about a plane crash. It took me no time to realise it was y/n's plane. My heart immediately dropped when I heard no one survived. This was it, just like that she was gone. I hadn't realised I started crying before the other boys walked in the room. "Hey Ashton, you'll never believe what Luke just- what's wrong?" Michael asked as he saw the tears streaming down my face. I just pointed at the tv that was still showing pictures from the crash. "That's her plane," I said shakily. The boys looked at me with concerned looks. "I'm sorry mate," Luke said patting me on the back. I started sobbing loudly and he pulled me into a hug instead. "It's gonna be alright Ash, we'll cancel the next few shows, I'm sure the fans will understand it." "That doesn't change the fact she's gone!" I yelled at the boys. "Sorry," I said trying to calm myself down. "It's alright, we're here for you if you need us," Calum said. And I really did need the boys.

Michael: This was the day, I was finally gonna propose to y/n. We were currently driving to the place we we're gonna have dinner. I quickly glanced over at the beautiful girl beside me. That was all it took as I felt like I got crushed and our car swerved of the road. I would've checked on y/n but everything went black. When I woke up I saw the boys and a doctor in the room. "How're you feeling?" The doctor asked. "Where's y/n?" I quickly asked, not caring about myself. When the doctor didn't answer I looked to the other guys who had a concerned look on their faces. "I'm sorry Michael." "No, it can't be true, please say she's fine." "She didn't make it Michael, she died immediately," Ashton said looking sadly at me. "I'm gonna leave you to it," the doctor said leaving the room. "This is all my fault, if I just kept my eyes on the road this wouldn't of happened." "Michael it wasn't your fault, a drunk driver crashed into you two, you couldn't have done anything," Luke said. "I was gonna propose, I didn't even get to say a last I love you," I said as tears streamed down my face. "Look Michael, I'm 100% sure she loves you, and I know for a fact she would've said yes, but I also know she wouldn't want you to cry and be sad over her, I know she's watching you right now." Calum said. "Thanks guys," I said wiping away some tears. "No problem, we'll always be here for you."

Calum: y/n was lying in the hospital bed, as she had done for the last couple of years. She had gotten cancer when she was 16. I had known her all my life, and I was one of the only people that stayed when she got cancer. I visited her every day and I bought flowers for her at least once a week. Her parents visited her whenever they had time, but it wasn't much so I sometimes brought the boys with me, so she didn't get tired of the same routine day after day. I had taken the bus to the hospital this time and when I walked into her room she was laying on her bed crying. "Y/n? What's wrong sweetie?" I said sitting sitting on the bed beside her. "I'm just so tired Cal, tired of everything. I'm tired of fighting every day. My parents didn't even visit me this week. You have to constantly get here just to see me. I'm keeping you away from the fans, and I just can't do this anymore. Everything hurts." By the end of her rant I was in tears myself. "No y/n you can't give up now. You have to keep fighting." "Calum, I've been fighting for so long now, it's time for me to go. I can feel it, I just can't go on any longer." I started sobbing loudly. "I'm sorry Cal, please find another wife that can make you happy, get some kids. Teach them how to play soccer and get them in a band. Keep going with your own band, I know you'll get far. I've been holding you back for the past few years, go live your dream." Y/n said smiling at me. "I love you," I said crying harder now. "I love you too," she said taking my hand in hers and closing her eyes. After a while she was gone, but I knew she had died in a good way. And even though no one could ever replace y/n, I tried to live as she said. I got three kids, two sons and one daughter. I taught one of my sons how to play soccer, another bass and my little spoiled daughter y/n, had the honour of being named the same as one of the most beautiful girls I've ever known.

A/n: just had to get out some emotions after I found out 5sos wasn't coming to Denmark. Also Cal's part actually happened to my friends cousin (just without the kids part) hope you enjoyed it.

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