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Ashton's is really stupid, so feel free to skip it and we'll act like it never happened.


"Did it hurt?" You asked, as you trailed your finger over the black ink on Calum's arm. "Huh?" Calum asked, taking his eye off the movie playing to look at you. You and Calum were having your monthly movie night, but you were watching a movie Calum had suggested that you had no interest in whatsoever. Instead you had started trailing your fingers over some of his tattoos. "Did it hurt getting your tattoo?" You asked again, not looking at him. "It didn't really hurt, it was more uncomfortable," Calum said, as he watched you intently. "Do you think you'll get more tattoos than you've got now?" You asked, finally looking up at him. "Maybe. I think I might get your name tattooed in an arrow heart," Calum said jokingly. You laughed dryly, not amused by his little joke. "For real though, I've always wanted my kids name tattooed, so if we ever get children, I might get their names tattooed somewhere." Calum's words caused your heart to flutter, he wanted a future with you. "That would be cute," you said, pecking him on the lips.


"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Michael asked. "Of course, just give me your hand," you answered, as the tattoo artist started working on your skin. You started squeezing Michael's hand as you felt the pain radiate trough your body. Michael only gave you a worried look, but you shrugged it of saying you could do it. A while later you were standing in front of the mirror, looking at the art added to your body. "Do you like it?" You asked Michael showing him the tattoo. "I love it," Michael kissed your cheek. "And I love you," Michael finished kissing you on the lips this time. "To the moon," Michael said pointing to his own tattoo he had gotten a while ago. "And back," you said motioning to your new tattoo.


You had gotten your first tattoo a few days ago and you were now ready to show the guys. You hadn't showed any of them the tattoo yet, since your skin had been swollen and red. You had gotten a rose tattooed since it reminded you of Ashton. When you and Ashton where still in school you would find a red rose in your locker from a secret admirers every day. This happened for a month, before your secret admirer was finally standing in front of your locker with a bouquet of roses, sheepishly asking you out. "Alright guys, ready to see the tattoo?" You asked, the boys looking at you expectantly. "Just show us already y/n," Ashton whined becoming impatient. You turned around lifting your shirt a little so the guys could see the small rose that was placed just under your bra. Everyone already knew the story behind it, so you didn't have to explain. "I love it!" Ashton said, kissing you softly. "She's got a rose tattoo, but she keeps it covered. I play guitar, but she's into drummer," Luke suddenly sang, making everyone laugh.

Luke: (this was before he got his piercing)

Luke grabbed your hand tightly as you walked into the tattoo parlour. "You can do this Luke," he muttered to himself as you walked up to the counter. "Hi," Luke said to the man behind the counter. "What can I do for you son?" The man asked, looking Luke up and down sceptically. "I want a tattoo," Luke stated sheepishly. "Alright, come with me and we can discuss what you want." You went to follow the man and Luke, but Luke stopped you. "I can do this by myself y/n, I'm a grown up now!" Luke told you, but he still looked quite nervous. You looked around at all the pictures of tattoos and piercings that decorated the walls as Luke walked behind the curtain. Around 15 minutes later he came back out. "That was quick," you said confused. Luke walked over to you smiling a bit. That was when you noticed a black ring in Luke's lip instead of a tattoo. "Figured it wasn't for me," Luke shrugged. "I thought a tattoo would look hot on you, but I'm starting to think that piercings look hotter," you said winking at Luke.

Important please read:

Since I don't have a lot of time I was thinking I could start doing some small preferences like tv show you watch together or concert he takes you to. So should I do that or keep making them like this but only post when I've got a lot of time?

Also: should I start doing question of the day? I'm gonna make one to this preference and if people want me to keep asking questions I'm gonna do that :) I'm also gonna answer them so you can learn more about me

Question of the day: if you could get a tattoo what would you get?

Answer of the day: I'd be the kinda person to get tattoos all over my body. Just of random shit that might seem meaningless to other people.

As always. Thanks for reading, commenting and voting. I love you guys :D

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