Long way home (Muke)

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Kicking back at the old school yard, Singing songs on our guitars.

You and Luke were just walking around your hometown Sydney when you suddenly stopped at a familiar looking building, your old school. You walked trough the playground and sat on a bench in the school yard you and Luke used to run around in. "Remember when we brought our instruments to school and played just over there?" Luke asked pointing to the grassy spot in the corner, hidden by a few trees. You remembered it clearly. No one used the nice place, it was a small grassy area with around two benches and a big tree, but it was hidden by other trees around it. You, Luke, Calum and Michael had brought some guitars and you had spent hours singing along to Green Day and All Time Low songs. "I do, it was one of the best days ever." It was also the day Luke had asked you to be his girlfriend. You had been best friends with the guys for a long time, so of course they helped Luke serenading you. You knew they had just started a band so it was weird when they said they had an original song you should hear, it was called I've got this friend. You had caught on after a bit when Luke kept looking at you and the other boys kept looking between Luke and you. You had of course said yes when he asked you to be his girlfriend and it wasn't long before he showed you another original song called everything I want. You leaned your head on Luke's shoulder as he started humming a familiar song. You removed your head to look at him. A smile slowly formed on your face as you sang along to the melody. "You are everything I want and everything i need," you softly sang together, just looking as the sun started to set.


Take me back to the middle of nowhere, Back to the place only you and I share, Remember all the memories.

You and Michael were sitting in the garden of Michaels old house. His parent still lived there and they had invited you over to the house you and Michael spent most of your childhood in. You had explored Michael's old room, finding stuff that held a lot of memories and you were just sitting in Michael's backyard looking around. "Is that our old treehouse Michael?" You asked as you saw the familiar building in the biggest tree. "It is," Michael said looking at the old house as well. "Let's go check it out," you said already standing up. The floor creaked as you stood in the small house that hadn't been visited for years. "Aaaw, look at this Mikey," you said, picking up a piece of paper. Michael looked over your shoulder to see a drawing your 10 year old self had made. It was a drawing of you and Michael holding hands in the treehouse, with what you assumed was Michael's parents standing under it. "I remember that day!" Michael said. "My parents said you couldn't stay the night so we stole some cookies and climbed into the treehouse. My parents couldn't get up here, this was our place y/n," Michael said, smiling at the memory. You looked around and saw more drawings taped to the walls. "Look at this," Michael said walking to another drawing. You and Michael spent the rest of the night in the treehouse, just like you had when you were 10. Just thinking of all the Memories

A/n: this is only Michael and Luke's part but I'm going on a holiday tomorrow which means I don't have time to write it. If you want part 2 I'll write it when I get home :) thanks for all the reads, votes and comments, love ya lots :) Xx

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