5sos bsm, you have a crush on another boy part 2

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5sos preferences #3: 5sos bsm, you have a crush on another boy part 2

Ashton is your brother and you like Michael, age 5-7:
You finally arrived at Michael's about 10 minutes later. "Mikey!" you yelled as you saw him. "(y/n)!" he yelled back, as he engulfed you in a hug. "She likes you," Ashton mouthed to Michael, as you had your back to him. Michael looked surprised, but it quickly changed into a smirk. "So, tell me (y/n), who do you like the most, me or Ashton?" You thought for a while, before answering "Mikey," Ashton faked being hurt. "I thought you loved me!" Ashton fake cried. "I do Ash, i do, don't cry please, i just like, like Mikey, and you're my brother, so i like you too," you said as you hugged him. Ashton chuckled, as you used 'like, like'. "It's okay sweetie, i like you too," Ashton smiled. "Mikey do you think i'm pretty?" you asked Michael. "Of course! You're one of the most beautiful people in the whooole universe!" Michael said. "Look (y/n), he thinks you're pretty even without blue hair," Ashton said. "Maybe when you're a little older, we can get matching hair colours," Michael said winking at you. "I love you Mikey!" you squealed. "If i say i love you too, does that make you my girlfriend?" Michael asked you. "Cause then i love you too," Michael smiled at you. You squealed again, grabbing Michael's hand and walking away with your new 'boyfriend'.

Michael is your brother and you like Luke, age 17:
As soon as Michael was out the door, you ran over to Luke, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissed him. After a while Luke deepened the kiss. "Really? I'm gone for 5 minutes, and you're already sucking each others faces of," Michael said sounding annoyed. "Sorry," you said smiling sheepishly at him. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were gonna get food," you said. "Forgot my wallet," Michael shrugged. Calum and Ashton will be here in around 10 minutes, so don't do anything!" Michael warned... again. You and Luke decided to listen to Michael, and you just cuddled on the couch. As Michael said, Calum and Ashton walked trough the door around ten minutes later. "Woah, woah, woah... what's happening here?" Calum asked, as he saw you and Luke. "We're kind of together," you said looking up at Luke, to see him already staring at you. "Aaaw," Ashton said as he sat down beside you. "I'm back, and i've got food with me!" Michael yelled from the kitchen. All the boys cheered, and you were glad the attention wasn't on you and Luke anymore.

Luke is your brother and you like Calum, age 17-18:
You quickly texted (y/f/n) where you were, and she was there within 15 minutes. You quickly got into the car and (y/f/n) started to drive without saying anything. When you stopped at a red light, (y/f/n) turned around in her seat slightly, so she could look at you. "So what happened?" You started to explain everything, from seeing Calum with a girl, to her being so nice, and about how you had told Luke you felt sick. She listened while she was driving to her flat. That's the thing you loved about her, you could talk about anything and just listen to each other. When you got to (y/f/n)'s flat, you just crashed on the couch and watched movies, until you fell asleep. You woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. "How're you feeling?" (y/f/n) asked as, you walked into the kitchen. "I'm okay, i guess," you said. "I'd really like to spend the dau with you, but i have a job that ruins it," she said as she pouted. "It's fine, thanks for helping me," you said. "I'll always be here if you need me," she said as she handed you a plate of pancakes. When you were done, you said goodbye and went home. You opened the door to hear familiar voices coming from the livingroom. "I just don't know what to do Luke, i really like her, but she probably doesn't like me"... was that Calum? He was probably talking about Lauren, you thought. You didn't want to hear anymore about it, so you walked into he living room. "Hey guys," you said faking a smile. "Hi (y/n), feeling any better?" Luke asked. "A little," you answered. "Did you have fun yesterday?" "Yeah, i'm actually going on a date with Lauren later," Luke said. Wait a second... Luke is going on a date with Lauren. "With Lauren? isn't Lauren Calum's girlfriend?" you asked confused. Calum just started to laugh. "Lauren and i are only friends. She saw the she looks so perfect video, and she thought Luke was goodlooking, so i brought her along," Calum said. "Oh..." you said, feeling stupid for not noticing the way she looked at Luke. "I love another person anyway," Calum said. "I'm gonna go so you can figure this out," Luke said. "(y/n), i just really, really love you, but you probably don't like me, and i just had to say how i felt, cause you deserved to kn-" you cut him of with a kiss. "Shut up Calum, i love you too," you said when you broke apart. "Really? Will you please be my girlfriend," Calum asked sounding hopeful. "Of course," you said as you kissed him again.

Calum is your brother and you like Ashton, age 18-19:
Fuck. fuck, fuck, what have i done?You thought, as you were lying on your bed. After 10 minutes, you heard a knock on your door. It's him. You heard another knock, and before you could do anything, the door opened and Ashton walked in. God dammit, i forgot to lock the door. "(y/n), can we talk?" Ashton asked. "I don't have much of a choice do i?" you asked. "Not really." You sighed but patted the space next to you. Ashton sat down, and he was just staring at you. "Look Ashton, the thing that happened wasn't meant to happen. I'm sorry, okay?" You looked at Ashton and he looked quite sad. Why? "Look, if the kiss didn't mean anything to you, i will leave. But before i go i just think that you should know, i really like you, and the only reason i haven't asked you out yet is because of your brother. When you kissed me, i thought that we could be something more than what the hell we are now, but i guess i was wrong," Ashton said as he started to get up and leave. "Ashton, wait!" He turned around and looked hopefully at you. "Yeah?" "Please stay, i fucking love you, i have for the longest time, but i didn't think you felt the same way, and i ju-" Ashton cut you of with a kiss. "i don't care what Calum says, please be my girlfriend." "Of course," you said as you kissed him again. Later that night you were just laying in your bed, with Ashton asleep beside you. You decided to check Twitter, and saw that when you were sitting on the couch earlier, he had tweeted 'sitting with the most beautiful girl beside me!' Everyhing just felt perfect in that moment.

A/N: Guys i'm sorry i uploaded it this late, my computer crashed and i lost it all :( i'm sorry if this is shit and if there's any mistakes it's 1am and i'm really tired.

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