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Luke: When you woke up, Luke wasn't at his usual spot beside you. You walked downstairs to see him making tea and looking out the window. You cleared your throat, and he turned around "good morning beautiful,"he said, as he kissed you on the forehead. "Morning" you said back, as you embraced him in a hug. When you broke apart Luke handed you a cup of tea. As you sat down to eat some breakfast, Luke said "it's snowing outside," and you instantly got an idea. When you were done eating, you grabbed Luke's hand, and walked him to the door. "Let's go outside and play in the snow,"you said. You and Luke spent the rest of the day outside playing in the snow and acting like children.

Calum: You were on the way to your best friend Calum's house. You were having a movie night with all the guys. As you were walking, it began to snow, so you started to run. "(Y/N)!" You heard from behind. You turned around to see Ashton driving down the road. "What are you waiting for? Get in the car" he said. You and Ashton sang along to the songs on the radio, and after 10 minutes you arrived. When you walked into Calum's house, all the other boys were in the living room. "Hey guys" you said. "Hi (Y/N) hey Ashton." As you walked into the living room their smiles turned into smirks except for Calum who frowned. You were confused, until Michael pointed to the top of the door, where a mistletoe was hanging. You awkwardly looked at Ashton and he gave you a sympathetic smile, Ashton was the only one who knew you liked Calum. You started to lean in, and he did the same, but before your lips connected you heard a door slam. When you looked at the couch, there was only two boys on the couch, Calum was gone. You mumbled a sorry to the boys, and ran after Calum. "Calum!" You yelled, as you saw him. He stopped walking, and you ran up to him. You were both standing in the snow just looking at each other. "What?" He asked tears streaming down his face. "Why are you crying?" You asked. "Are you really that blind (Y/N)? I love you, I've loved you since the day we first met, seeing you kissing Ashton broke my heart and you're ne-" you cut him of by kissing him. Calum smiled into the kiss, and when you pulled back, you gave him a hug while whispering things like, I love you into his ear. You walked back into the house hand in hand, and Ashton gave you a knowing smile.

Michael: It had been snowing for the past 6 hours. You and Michael were cuddled just watching movies. Michael had a cold, and he'd been sneezing nonstop since you woke up, so you decided to make some soup for him. "Try and get some sleep Michael, when you wake up I'll be here with some soup," you said, as you kissed him on the forehead. You left the room to go to the kitchen, but sadly you didn't have the right ingredients, which meant, you had to walk to the grocery store. It was only 5 minutes away, but it was still snowing really badly, so it took around 15 minutes. You got all the thing you needed, and headed home. After you had made the soup, you walked upstairs, where Michael was peacefully sleeping. "Michael" you whispered, he began to open his eyes, "hey beautiful" he said with a raspy voice. You handed him the soup, and he ate it without any hesitation. The day after Michael wasn't sick anymore, but needless to say you got sick, from the little you went on to get Michael soup.

Ashton: You and Ash were on your way to Michael's house, you had bought a pizza, and you were gonna prank him. When you got to his house, Ashton places the pizza a little away from the door, in the snow. He rang the doorbell, and ran over behind the bushes, where you already were hiding. When Michael opened the door, he looked around, until he saw the pizza, he walked over to pick it up, "now (y/n)!" Ashton yelled, and you started throwing snow at Michael. "Aaargh, stop!" Michael screamed, you and Ashton fell to the ground laughing at Michael, that was covered in snow. Michael glared at you, took the pizza, and walked inside. "Michael!" Ashton yelled while banging on the door. "Damn it! He locked the door," Ashton said. You and Ashton ended up crawling in through the window at Michael's house, and had a movie night with all the guys

A/n: This is my first preference :) sorry if there's any mistakes.

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