Cancer 2/4

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"Hey babe, how're you feeling?" You whispered softly as you entered his room. Luke lifted his hand slightly, but let it fall soon after, not having enough strength to grab your hand. You quickly let your hand over the lifted sides of the hospital bed and grabbed his hand in yours. Hooded eyes stared back at you and he gave you a small smile. You smiled back softly, tears forming in your eyes. "I thought I'd lost you, the doctors said it was critical," you told him as you wiped the tears away quickly, laughing bitterly to yourself. "You're not getting rid of me that easily." Luke tried to reach up and wipe your tears away, but his hand fell yet again. "It was only a little tumour. Nothing I can't handle," Luke said, words coming out stronger than his body had looked in months. "I know Luke. You're the strongest person I know. We'll get through this. I promise." You whispered the last part as your voice cracked. "I'm just really happy you're okay," you added on as you leant down and kissed his cheek. A small smile formed on Luke's face as he failed to keep his eyes open any longer. "It's fine babe. It's been a hard couple of hours, you should get some rest. I'll be right by your side when you wake up." Luke let sleep overtake him as you softly played with his hand.

"Calum?" You said quietly as he finally picked up the phone. "What is it babe," he asked his voice laced with sleep, yet more awake than anyone else probably was at 2:41am. Instead of answering you just let out a loud heartbreaking sob. "Y/n?!" Calum asked alarmed. "What's wrong babe?" "It's my mom," you whispered brokenly "is she okay?!" Calum asked already putting on some sweatpants after only having slept in boxers. "I don't know Cal, she just started throwing up blood and we're not sure if she's okay. She's been rushed to the hospital." You told Calum through the phone, your sobs only getting louder. "Where are you at now, y/n?" He asked, voice soothing. "I'm home alone. Dad went with the ambulance." "Listen to me babe, I'll be over in 10 minutes. Pack everything you need and we'll go to the hospital. Everything's gonna be okay, your moms a fighter!" Calum reassured you. True to his words Calum's car pulled up into your driveway only minutes later, you quickly rushing into the passenger seat. Your breathing was heavy and silent tears were still streaming down your face. "What if she isn't gonna be okay cal? What will I do without her?" You worried yourself more. Calum grabbed your hand, keeping the other one on the steering wheel. "She will be, I promise y/n." Calum told you as he brought your hand up to his mouth softy kissing the knuckles. The car was yet again filled with silence as you kept on driving to the hospital

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